Been Out of the Saddle for some time


New Member
Aug 27, 2010
Hi there I am new to the forums, will be posting in the intro thread to give some of my background in riding, and am wanting a bit of advice from my clydesdale brethren.

Now I am sorely out of shape right now, as I have been out of riding and working out, for a few years and have just sort of let myself go fitness wise, but I plan to fix that! I am 6'4 and right now tip the scales around 270 or so. This is about as heavy as I've ever let myself get and as I was much lighter when I rode regularly am seeking some advice on riding equipment. I am still pretty well up to speed on general knowledge of bicycles, as I built quite a few of my own bikes back when I was into cycling. What I am really after is suggestions on frames, cranksets, forks, etc. that are perhaps a bit more rider friendly for me while I am still taking the weight off. I have just recently purchased a Kona Kula Supreme frame at a very good price, about 80 dollars after shipping, and while I know it is a solid frame it is pretty light weight and I am wondering if I might not be on the hefty side of the payload for it at the moment, lol. Now once I am in shape again I usually slim down to around 210-235 depending on the amount of weight training I work into my routine, but I am by no means a slightly built guy and even when I am what I consider to be very slim usually am over 200lbs. I just seem to carry a bit more bulk on frame somewhere than some others.

Any suggestions of rugged frames, i.e. bomb proof as i love to go dirt jumpinig and downhilling as well, would be very appreciated. I am doing some research of my own as well but would love to hear first hand experience from others that share my type of physical build and like to thrash mountains as I do. I would also love to know if any of you think I should take it easy on my new ride once I get her built up, so as not to wreck her too bad, lol. I'm not too concerned as the frame was a pretty good deal and I dont mind holding off thrashing with it until I get back down to my more regular riding weight.

Anyways Happy Trails to you all!

Edit: Forgot my question on one of the most important component, atleast to me, for safety, Wheelsets. Any suggestions on good wheelsets for a rider of my size would be greatly appreciated. I've been looking at the 3 cross pattern sets mostly as they appear to be the more rugged spoke set up on wheels but any particular sets from first hand experience is very very appreciated! Thanks.