Best tri cycling shoes for folks with wide feet?


New Member
Aug 4, 2003
Using Sidi Megas now, but they take forever to get on/off in transitions (two velcros and an ankle closure). With wide feet, it's been difficult to find a pair of triathlon-specific cycling shoes that are comfortable, especially in the toe box. Any suggestions out there?
Originally posted by AmyVS
Using Sidi Megas now, but they take forever to get on/off in transitions (two velcros and an ankle closure). With wide feet, it's been difficult to find a pair of triathlon-specific cycling shoes that are comfortable, especially in the toe box. Any suggestions out there?

For what it's worth, I switched to the Sidi Genius 4 Mega Lorica (probably what you have) from a pair of Specialized shoes that were supposed to be a very wide shoe but caused me massive agony.

The problem for my big wide flippers is that often the shoe will have a little "lip" on the inside and outside that really pinches the hell out of my feet. I guess it's supposed to keep the foot more stable within the shoe. The Sidis at least are missing the lip, and the upper seems to have stretched out well to accomodate the width.

As far as easy transitions, well, I can't help you there. I've found that the buckle comes undone pretty easy once I get used to doing it while riding, and I don't have to mess around with the velcro to get in/out of the shoe.
Originally posted by AmyVS
Using Sidi Megas now, but they take forever to get on/off in transitions (two velcros and an ankle closure). With wide feet, it's been difficult to find a pair of triathlon-specific cycling shoes that are comfortable, especially in the toe box. Any suggestions out there?

try shimano's SH-TR01
The only shoes on the market that have a truly wide sole are Carnac's. They are also probably the
best made shoes on the market. The TRS-7 I believe is their tri model and has one wide fiberglass
reinforced strap, fast in and out. I have wide feet and everyone else I know who does swears by
them--I am on my 3rd pair of road shoes in 6 years. And by the way, I even came out of my pedals
once at about 30 on a corner coming off a hill and managed to use the pair I had on that day to stop
a la Fred Flintstone fashion without going down--somehow and miraculously as I also had come out of
the other cleat as the pedal came around. The shoes lasted another three years though they were a
bit scarred up. By the way you will not find soles any stiffer for energy transfer to the pedals
either. Good luck,


"AmyVS" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> Using Sidi Megas now, but they take forever to get on/off in transitions (two velcros and an ankle
> closure). With wide feet, it's been difficult to find a pair of triathlon-specific cycling shoes
> that are comfortable, especially in the toe box. Any suggestions out there?
> --
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On Thu, 04 Sep 2003 02:02:51 GMT, "Dan O'Brasky" <[email protected]> wrote:

>The only shoes on the market that have a truly wide sole are Carnac's. They are also probably the
>best made shoes on the market.

I have a pair of Carnacs also and I love them. I also have wide feet.

I was going to post this earler, but my Carnacs are about 8 years old and are MTB shoes so I didn't
know if the same fit applied to their road shoes. When I bought my road bike, I just continued using
them with a new pair of MTB pedals. I will switch to real road shoes/pedals next year when I get
some money and if I have enough of it (they are very pricey but well worth it) I will probably get a
pair Carnacs.

They last a long time and are super stiff. They also have a strong mesh and leather outer which
forms really well to my foot.

Check em out.