

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
What in the hell is going on here? First CampyBob wanted to argue about an off-the-top-of -the-head calculation such as we engineers do all the time as a first approximation. It was a total insult to him. Why?

Then Froze started chipping in because I was so forward as to have actually published a paper showing that bicycle helmets don't save lives but in giving people confidence in increased safety might even caused more harm than they do increased safety in that regard. I stated plainly that the most common bicycle accident is a fall down and that helmets do help with those most of the time. But my almost fatal fall down with my head only 2' off the ground showed that helmets may not even help with those. Certainly there are all sorts of articles about increased safety from helmet use but these are all misunderstandings of what the statistics mean. And if you believe hard enough and click your heels together three times you can interpret anything to mean anything.

Motorcycle safety helmets are another thing altogether and since I raced motorcycles and became the safety director of the AFM and went to Bell and spoke to them about it perhaps I have more knowledge about it than someone that thinks that anything with the word "safety" in it should be praised to high heavens.

Now we have Brian complaining that I'm publishing threads about questions no one has asked.

Would you like to know whether the carbon wheels that you're about to buy might not be such a good deal after all? Or that the latest rage of ceramic bearings is nothing more than hot air? As a sports rider would you be interested in discovering that tubeless tires are almost flat-less freeing you from carrying a 2 lb bag of spares along with you? Wouldn't you like to know that properly designed aero wheels not only make you faster on the road but do not disturb you any more than regular wheels in cross winds?

This is a forum and if you don't like a thread you have no one forcing you to read it or to even believe it. Bickering for the sake of it isn't forwarding the purpose of this forum at all.
Are you suggesting that I leave the group so that those three can pretend to be kings of the hill? Personally I see what has caused it. And I outlined it above. Do you think I should allow them to make stupid and false claims and not counter them? Who cares what the hell power output I claim? What exactly would drive CampyBob into a screaming, swearing fit? That's a mental condition on his part. Froze went nuts NOT because I didn't agree with his position on helmets but because I didn't agree COMPLETELY. That too is a mental condition. Brian has something else altogether. I think that he wants an empty forum where he can tell everyone what a fun time he had riding. But he almost never did that.

So I have to wonder - what do the moderators want of this Forum?
People gonna do what people gonna do, regardless of what papers you've written, or what you've accomplished as an engineer. You complain about bickering but isn't that what you've done in starting this thread? It looks that way to me. There seems to be some bloated ego in your OP, too.
People gonna do what people gonna do, regardless of what papers you've written, or what you've accomplished as an engineer. You complain about bickering but isn't that what you've done in starting this thread? It looks that way to me. There seems to be some bloated ego in your OP, too.
I really can't argue with that.

But remember, that I stopped responding to them and started what, 15 other threads only to be insulted by them on every one of them? While I shouldn't be dragged into arguing with them, I also shouldn't be called names when I'm reporting to you that I had trouble putting tires on the latest Kysriums. Or that I bought two sets of full carbon tubeless rims from different venders and both failed by delaminating at only 80 psi with tubeless tires on them?

Wasn't that the sort of thing these forums are for? Because of those postings attempting to make me look like a fool the entire warning of those threads was lost.
I really can't argue with that.

But remember, that I stopped responding to them and started what, 15 other threads only to be insulted by them on every one of them? While I shouldn't be dragged into arguing with them, I also shouldn't be called names when I'm reporting to you that I had trouble putting tires on the latest Kysriums. Or that I bought two sets of full carbon tubeless rims from different venders and both failed by delaminating at only 80 psi with tubeless tires on them?
I'm sorry that you are being insulted but it makes me wonder why the other guys seem to have it in for you. Might you be a little forceful in your statements? That doesn't sit well with some folks. I certainly understand why we would declare our qualifications and experience, but others have a different point of view based on their own experiences. Human nature being what it is, we all want to be right. We really need to see when a fire is about to be lit, and try to avoid it if possible. What is said on social media can often be misconstrued due to the lack of tone in our voices. The same thing said in person can come out quite differently.

I hope you can all work out your differences.
I'm sorry that you are being insulted but it makes me wonder why the other guys seem to have it in for you. Might you be a little forceful in your statements? That doesn't sit well with some folks. I certainly understand why we would declare our qualifications and experience, but others have a different point of view based on their own experiences. Human nature being what it is, we all want to be right. We really need to see when a fire is about to be lit, and try to avoid it if possible. What is said on social media can often be misconstrued due to the lack of tone in our voices. The same thing said in person can come out quite differently.

I hope you can all work out your differences.
Well, you can see that the second CampyBob returned it was back to do nothing more than insult. And to misrepresent the Zwift. I did the calculation out where people could see them that it was impossible to lose that much weight in that short a time on any sort of exercise. And what does the person that Huskey say did it say? His wife was a dietician and that he lost the weight from dieting.

Hell there's nothing at all wrong with a exercycle - my good friend just had his hip replaced and his physical therapy is partially riding his rollers. I keep having to remind him that the bone paste that they put around the hip joint takes six months to be replaced with natural bone. He is real hard to control since he was Super Cop and he always knows what's best for him.

Exercycles are far better than lying around like I did for the last 5 weeks - 2 weeks with the air unbreathable from smoke from the Camp Fire here in California and then 3 weeks with bronchitis and coughing up blood.

But no exercycle beats actual riding.
I did the calculation out where people could see them that it was impossible to lose that much weight in that short a time on any sort of exercise. And what does the person that Huskey say did it say? His wife was a dietician and that he lost the weight from dieting.
I didn't see how much weight he claimed to have lost. Just recently I spent a day working outside, in the shade. Being Florida, it gets very humid at times. At the end of the day I took a shower and then weighed myself. I was shocked to see that I'd lost 8lb. I think that was water. I know I wasn't feeling well. Of course, the weight didn't stay off.

Exercycles are far better than lying around like I did for the last 5 weeks - 2 weeks with the air unbreathable from smoke from the Camp Fire here in California and then 3 weeks with bronchitis and coughing up blood.

But no exercycle beats actual riding.
Agreed! You know, I ride around our county and sometimes the traffic fumes are sickening. I've wondered how that affects cyclists. My doctor has been concerned because each time I go for a checkup, they say my oxygen level is low. They gave me an inhaler, saying it would help when riding my bike. I found it made no difference, and being a casual rider - 8mph average speed - I don't get out of breath even at higher speeds. A recent 34 miles fat bike ride didn't leave me winded, just some sore muscles.

I used to be a welder, working with asbestos-cement sheets, but we wore respirators when it was necessary to cut or drill the sheets. In later years, I was an electrical contractor, and spent time under old Victorian houses that had steel pipes lagged with white asbestos. I've come out covered in it. I've been Xrayed and found no problems. So I don't know why my oxygen level is low. I don't have any other problems that a lack of oxygen might cause. I'm not going to worry about any of that stuff. As long as I am able to ride at my age, I'm happy.

That smoke you endured must have been pretty rough. That does have some dangerous stuff in it. I used to live in Delaware, and about ten years ago they banned the burning of leaves and twigs because the smoke contains carcinogens. A violation would have meant a hefty fine.
I didn't see how much weight he claimed to have lost. Just recently I spent a day working outside, in the shade. Being Florida, it gets very humid at times. At the end of the day I took a shower and then weighed myself. I was shocked to see that I'd lost 8lb. I think that was water. I know I wasn't feeling well. Of course, the weight didn't stay off.

Agreed! You know, I ride around our county and sometimes the traffic fumes are sickening. I've wondered how that affects cyclists. My doctor has been concerned because each time I go for a checkup, they say my oxygen level is low. They gave me an inhaler, saying it would help when riding my bike. I found it made no difference, and being a casual rider - 8mph average speed - I don't get out of breath even at higher speeds. A recent 34 miles fat bike ride didn't leave me winded, just some sore muscles.

I used to be a welder, working with asbestos-cement sheets, but we wore respirators when it was necessary to cut or drill the sheets. In later years, I was an electrical contractor, and spent time under old Victorian houses that had steel pipes lagged with white asbestos. I've come out covered in it. I've been Xrayed and found no problems. So I don't know why my oxygen level is low. I don't have any other problems that a lack of oxygen might cause. I'm not going to worry about any of that stuff. As long as I am able to ride at my age, I'm happy.

That smoke you endured must have been pretty rough. That does have some dangerous stuff in it. I used to live in Delaware, and about ten years ago they banned the burning of leaves and twigs because the smoke contains carcinogens. A violation would have meant a hefty fine.
A subcontractor for the military hired me to program a poison gas detector for troops going into Iraq. They used these things to get those WMD that all the Bush haters said never existed. They did by the thousands of lbs.

Lawrence Livermore Laboratories had two physicists that had worked out the way that their detectors worked and supposedly all I had to do was write the firmware and it would all work. Well, like whenever I've worked for PhD's the jackasses didn't actually know what they were talking about. There are certainly smart PhDs but I've met extremely few and the only one that comes to mind is a manager I had when I worked at several different companies for him. We built the west coast Arcnet hub that became the Internet. The largest most powerful computer in the world would allow 3 users at once. Ours allowed 100 simultaneous users.

In any case I could not get that to detect low levels of poison gas correctly. At high levels they appeared OK but at the higher scales you couldn't see low level errors. I wrote that firmware three ways from Sunday and it would not work. Finally I decided that something was wrong with their analysis and they insisted that it was proper. So I analyzed the gas detector unit and discovered that it had a exponential growth in output and not a linear growth as they insisted.

I was really excited to test my theory so I had to pump the test chamber out and clear it of phosgene. They had told me that it took 1.5 hours to pump out. Well, the normal practice is to double the safe period so that there is absolutely no chance for an error. So I went into the chamber after 1 hour. The physicists also had not allowed ANY safe time and the hour and a half was a minimum pumpout time. I couldn't tell any problems as I went through the airlock into the test chamber and retrieved the test unit. I re-wrote the code and programmed it into the test unit and put it back into the chamber and tested it over the entire range. It worked PERFECTLY.

I was racing bicycles at the time. We had really large groups so we had Cat 1 to Cat 5. I was in Cat 5 and 4 and 5 would start a minute behind the others. But I could make up that minute and ride on the back of the threes. Next race I couldn't even keep up with the 5's.

I talked to the doctor assigned to the project and he took some X-rays and told me my lungs were scarred from phosgene gas. Well, they had their project done and it saved many lives in Iraq. But my racing was done. And because I had proven those physicists wrong they wouldn't recommend me for hiring at the lab which was sort of a dream job. That was OK because the pay was horrible.
A subcontractor for the military hired me to program a poison gas detector for troops going into Iraq. They used these things to get those WMD that all the Bush haters said never existed. They did by the thousands of lbs.....
I talked to the doctor assigned to the project and he took some X-rays and told me my lungs were scarred from phosgene gas. Well, they had their project done and it saved many lives in Iraq. But my racing was done. And because I had proven those physicists wrong they wouldn't recommend me for hiring at the lab which was sort of a dream job. That was OK because the pay was horrible.

That was a terrible thing with the phosgene gas, Tom! I wasn't familiar with it, so I checked it out. Used in WW1 it killed 85,000 people. Man has developed some evil weapons from something that was designed for industrial use.

I'm not clear on the safe time for pumping out the gas. You said 1.5 hours, but normally double that is allowed; that means 3 hours. You went in there after 1 hour. Was you not aware of the 1.5 hours before you went in there? Whatever, it was a heck of price to pay, to have your lungs damaged. Your exposure to the gas leads me to mention some things.

I, myself, am a minister and have been in a very special ministry for the past 18 years. It involves spirits. I help people from all walks of life, occasionally talking to government contractors. Some of the things these people have told me, would shock the nation if they knew. Experiments are done on living humans, consisting of chemical, surgical and spiritual experiments. Much of it is diabolical, and messes up the people doing the experiments. That's where I come in.

About fifteen years ago I created a website for ABATE of Delaware, a motorcyclist rights organization. Through the website I met a man who lived only about six miles away. We got to meet and to ride our motorcycles together. I soon saw that there was something wrong with him, but I didn't like to ask. He took early retirement and went to the VA each month to get medicine. His name was Bo, and he was brilliant with electronics and mechanical things. He had been a government contractor, and he hated the Federal government with a passion but wouldn't tell me why. All he was allowed to say was it involved explosives; his work was still classified.

Bo used to be awake for 72 hours, then sleep for 72 hours. He asked me about my ministry because he was interested in spiritual things, but each time I tried to tell him, his eyes would glaze over and he'd be gone for about ten minutes. So I never did explain what I do.

He had gone through a divorce and was living with his mother. She called me, one morning, to say Bo had died. I later learned that his explosives experiments were done on live humans, and were always fatal. This is what messed him up, and he was on medicine for alleged mental illness.

Being in the spirit ministry (not church-related) has taught me a lot. The U.S. government has long been conducting experiments, attempting to use spirits (demons?) as weapons against their perceived enemies. I learned that most countries do the same things. Some years ago, a movie was made called 'The Atticus Institute.' It begins with words scrolling up explaining how the government was involved in spirit experiments but abandoned it a few years ago. The truth is, they didn't abandon it, and the work continues. Here is a link to the movie trailer:
The Atticus Institute

The work still goes on, and has recently been mentioned in the news, about MKUltra. I've had a lot of dealings with the victims. What gripes me is, we pay for these experiments. We're approaching 20 trillion dollars in national debt, and we're messing with spirits, which can come to no good. MKUltra started in the 50s and was investigated by Congress, with Ted Kennedy leading the investigation. They found it was evil, and banned it around 1975. But it still goes on under other names and projects.
That was a terrible thing with the phosgene gas, Tom! I wasn't familiar with it, so I checked it out. Used in WW1 it killed 85,000 people. Man has developed some evil weapons from something that was designed for industrial use.

I'm not clear on the safe time for pumping out the gas. You said 1.5 hours, but normally double that is allowed; that means 3 hours. You went in there after 1 hour. Was you not aware of the 1.5 hours before you went in there? Whatever, it was a heck of price to pay, to have your lungs damaged. Your exposure to the gas leads me to mention some things.

I, myself, am a minister and have been in a very special ministry for the past 18 years. It involves spirits. I help people from all walks of life, occasionally talking to government contractors. Some of the things these people have told me, would shock the nation if they knew. Experiments are done on living humans, consisting of chemical, surgical and spiritual experiments. Much of it is diabolical, and messes up the people doing the experiments. That's where I come in.

About fifteen years ago I created a website for ABATE of Delaware, a motorcyclist rights organization. Through the website I met a man who lived only about six miles away. We got to meet and to ride our motorcycles together. I soon saw that there was something wrong with him, but I didn't like to ask. He took early retirement and went to the VA each month to get medicine. His name was Bo, and he was brilliant with electronics and mechanical things. He had been a government contractor, and he hated the Federal government with a passion but wouldn't tell me why. All he was allowed to say was it involved explosives; his work was still classified.

Bo used to be awake for 72 hours, then sleep for 72 hours. He asked me about my ministry because he was interested in spiritual things, but each time I tried to tell him, his eyes would glaze over and he'd be gone for about ten minutes. So I never did explain what I do.

He had gone through a divorce and was living with his mother. She called me, one morning, to say Bo had died. I later learned that his explosives experiments were done on live humans, and were always fatal. This is what messed him up, and he was on medicine for alleged mental illness.

Being in the spirit ministry (not church-related) has taught me a lot. The U.S. government has long been conducting experiments, attempting to use spirits (demons?) as weapons against their perceived enemies. I learned that most countries do the same things. Some years ago, a movie was made called 'The Atticus Institute.' It begins with words scrolling up explaining how the government was involved in spirit experiments but abandoned it a few years ago. The truth is, they didn't abandon it, and the work continues. Here is a link to the movie trailer:
The Atticus Institute

The work still goes on, and has recently been mentioned in the news, about MKUltra. I've had a lot of dealings with the victims. What gripes me is, we pay for these experiments. We're approaching 20 trillion dollars in national debt, and we're messing with spirits, which can come to no good. MKUltra started in the 50s and was investigated by Congress, with Ted Kennedy leading the investigation. They found it was evil, and banned it around 1975. But it still goes on under other names and projects.

I was told that the SAFE pumpout time was 1 1/2 hours so I assumed that this chamber was cleared in 45 minutes and added a safety margin. We worked with Phosgene and Sarin.

My wife played a movie last night that had to do with Bush's aid outing a CIA agent and hence having hundreds of people assassinated in the middle east. She and her Husband - an Ambassador - had discovered that there wasn't any possibility of NUCLEAR weapons of mass destruction. That's all well and fine until you understand that thousands of lbs of poison gas artillery rounds were discovered all over Iraq as well as bacteriological warfare weapons. By the time American and UN troops got to these sites those had degraded to the point that they were more or less harmless. But they were discovered and they were recorded.

If the story in that movie is correct and it had a timeline and actually named names, the Bush administration committed serious crimes outing a CIA agent and hopefully those people were indicted. But consider what would have happened if the contents of ONE gas warhead were released in Times Square on a summer lunchtime. It would be WW I trenches all over again with bodies everywhere.

There is no such thing as "spirit warfare" as you should well know. My father-in-law started 22 Presbyterian churches and most of them are still going strong. My wife can and does quote the bible word for word. After listening to MSNBC the other day she quoted Thessalonians about how people that accept lies will never be allowed the truth. Sure am glad I'm Catholic and don't have to worry about all that being damned into eternity and all.
Sure am glad I'm Catholic and don't have to worry about all that being damned into eternity and all.
Ahh... [cough] I think I've already stepped outside the thread subject, but...

As mentioned, I minister to people. I never hunt for anyone to help. All who come to me, come voluntarily, seeking help. I help anyone and turn nobody away. Satanists and witches are included, and Catholic priests. The priests, according to my computer records, now number 816. I help them to leave the Catholic church because of the numerous false doctrines. I hear from them just how bad things are in the church, and the evil goings on. The Catholic hierarchy know me and what I do, and they are furious because they already have a shortage of priests.

I am a former Catholic and altar server, so I do know the Catholic religion. I am not against Catholics, rather I stand against false doctrine whichever religion it comes from. The bible tells us to be sure of our doctrine. How can we be sure? Well, the bible is accepted by Christians as the inspired word of God, written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. God doesn't just throw statements out there for no reason, and that includes being sure of what we believe.

Being a Catholic is no guarantee of going to heaven, just as being a member of any religion is no guarantee. The official Catholic doctrine declares that there is no salvation apart from the Catholic church. In other words, if I'm not a Catholic, then I'm going to hell. That is totally false. If a person really wants to know the truth, then the bible is the only written guide for our faith and practice. The bible shows how salvation is obtained, and it is not by any good works we do, or how good we are. We obtain salvation strictly by faith in Jesus Christ and what he did at the cross, and that faith comes by the grace of God. There is no alternative way. Church attendance is not a requirement.
Ahh... [cough] I think I've already stepped outside the thread subject, but...

As mentioned, I minister to people. I never hunt for anyone to help. All who come to me, come voluntarily, seeking help. I help anyone and turn nobody away. Satanists and witches are included, and Catholic priests. The priests, according to my computer records, now number 816. I help them to leave the Catholic church because of the numerous false doctrines. I hear from them just how bad things are in the church, and the evil goings on. The Catholic hierarchy know me and what I do, and they are furious because they already have a shortage of priests.

I am a former Catholic and altar server, so I do know the Catholic religion. I am not against Catholics, rather I stand against false doctrine whichever religion it comes from. The bible tells us to be sure of our doctrine. How can we be sure? Well, the bible is accepted by Christians as the inspired word of God, written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. God doesn't just throw statements out there for no reason, and that includes being sure of what we believe.

Being a Catholic is no guarantee of going to heaven, just as being a member of any religion is no guarantee. The official Catholic doctrine declares that there is no salvation apart from the Catholic church. In other words, if I'm not a Catholic, then I'm going to hell. That is totally false. If a person really wants to know the truth, then the bible is the only written guide for our faith and practice. The bible shows how salvation is obtained, and it is not by any good works we do, or how good we are. We obtain salvation strictly by faith in Jesus Christ and what he did at the cross, and that faith comes by the grace of God. There is no alternative way. Church attendance is not a requirement.

Well, I agree with you that a Pope decreeing that you have to be Catholic to be saved is what caused the reformation.

But one thing that the Catholic church has with most of the rest do not is that having confession and true contrition absolves you of your sins.
But one thing that the Catholic church has with most of the rest do not is that having confession and true contrition absolves you of your sins.
That is easily refuted by Scripture. I think it might be better to take this privately, if you would care to do that, because there is a lot more to be said.
That is easily refuted by Scripture. I think it might be better to take this privately, if you would care to do that, because there is a lot more to be said.
Sure it does but what in the hell do Scriptures matter to the Pope?
Sure it does but what in the hell do Scriptures matter to the Pope?
Not a thing! If they did, he'd allow priests to marry.

"Now the Spirit expressly states that in later times some will abandon the faith to follow deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, influenced by the hypocrisy of liars, whose consciences are seared with a hot iron. They will prohibit marriage and require abstinence from certain foods that God has created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth."

So, forbidding the clergy to marry is the teaching of demons. And the one who upholds the teaching is a hypocritical liar. I know of no one else, other than the Pope, who forbids people to marry. If he's the head of the Catholic church, what does it say for the rest of the teachings he upholds?

Jesus said: "Unless a person is born again, they will not see the Kingdom of God." The Catholic church doesn't teach this, and some parishioners who ask their priest what it's about, are usually told they were born again when they were baptized. So, the priest has no idea what it's about, and he misleads his parishioners.

As for confession, the bible says if we confess our sins to him (Jesus) he is faithful to forgive. It says nothing about confessing to a priest. The deception, there, is that following confession to the priest, the people go away, believing they've been forgiven. In truth, when we confess our sin to Jesus, we only need do it one time, providing one's faith is in him and what he did at the cross, and not in any man-made religion or church. After that, we are considered dead to sin. A dead person can't sin, according to Scripture.
What in the hell is going on here?


Now we have Brian complaining that I'm publishing threads about questions no one has asked.

Would you like to know whether the carbon wheels that you're about to buy might not be such a good deal after all? Or that the latest rage of ceramic bearings is nothing more than hot air? As a sports rider would you be interested in discovering that tubeless tires are almost flat-less freeing you from carrying a 2 lb bag of spares along with you? Wouldn't you like to know that properly designed aero wheels not only make you faster on the road but do not disturb you any more than regular wheels in cross winds?

This is a forum and if you don't like a thread you have no one forcing you to read it or to even believe it. Bickering for the sake of it isn't forwarding the purpose of this forum at all.

Since you ask:
What you write isn't as entertaining as that of Bike Snob (
Nor does it seem as accurate as that of Bike Gremlin (

You post opinions and poorly supported statements as if they are generally agreed facts.
When someone questions the validity of one of your statements, you either simply ignore it, or if pressed, belatedly modify your statement to make it more acceptable.
There are several situations you could have saved by saying "Oops, that came out wrong, I meant it THIS way". But you don't. Squirming and denial seems to be your method of choice.

You willingly participate in threads that have degraded into mutual name-calling.

You don't seem to realize that on a site like this, to a large extent, you are what you write.
If your posted content doesn't instill trust, references to your outside life isn't going to save you.
If anything, they make you appear whiny, which certainly doesn't help your case either.