Can´t find the posting


New Member
Jan 20, 2006
I was looking for a posting which shows a calculating from where you can estimate the endurance level of a person.

I was something with the two parts of an L2 workout with NP/HR but I can´t find it....

Does anybody know what I am thinking of ? :rolleyes:

Are you thinking of a formula to estimate functional threshold (1 hr) power from a shorter duration max power (e.g., 20min max power)?
RapDaddyo said:
Are you thinking of a formula to estimate functional threshold (1 hr) power from a shorter duration max power (e.g., 20min max power)?
No, thank you, this is something I know already. What I am looking for is a "system" which divided a endurance workout into two halves and when you caculate the NP vs HR from the first part and the same for the second part, there will be a % value of the drifting of the HR. e.g. in a 3h ride.
This % value was said to be a sign, when endurance is bult enough (e.g. in Winter training)

I dont know how it was calulated.... (AVG or NP....)

I hope you could imagine what I mean.

spot1100 said:
No, thank you, this is something I know already. What I am looking for is a "system" which divided a endurance workout into two halves and when you caculate the NP vs HR from the first part and the same for the second part, there will be a % value of the drifting of the HR. e.g. in a 3h ride.
This % value was said to be a sign, when endurance is bult enough (e.g. in Winter training)

I dont know how it was calulated.... (AVG or NP....)

I hope you could imagine what I mean.

I posted some similar numbers last September after a 2 hr hillclimb event, in part to show the inconsistency of HR as a function of intensity of effort, but it wasn't a system to derive one number from the other. If you want to look at the data, search for "Mt. Charleston Hill Climb" around the last two weeks of September 2005. IIRC, I parsed the data by 1 mile splits.
I am sorry. I found what I was looking for. It was not a posting, it was an article from Joe Friel, which I found anywhere in the www.
I think this could be interesting.
