Day 6 - Kempsey to Kew


New Member
Apr 15, 2003
Over halfway now........woohoo!!!!

Well the day started out quite chilly. I left Kempsey at 8am after a much needed sleep in.

I am glad to say that the sun was shining ALL day today. The winds were kind too. There was still a slight SE blowing, but nowhere near as bad as it has been.

I only had to make two stops today. One about 30kms out of Kempsey at Telegraph Point and the other on the other side of
Wauchope (pronounced Warhope)

One thing that happened today that I thought was quite extraordinary was running into two people at a service station who said they saw me cycling at Tweed Heads earlier in the week. What a small world!!!

Well I arrived in Kew at approx. 1pm today, nursing what I believe to be my first case of saddle sores. Great!!! I am now an official member of the saddle club....not the most prestigeous membership that i have held.....hehehe. To make matters worse it is the first time since i was 8 months old that I have had the need for nappy rash cream...... How humiliating.....this time however, I am glad to say, I wont be needing my mum's help applying it.....hehehe

Well it's early to bed tonight as I would like to get to Nabiac early tomorrow in time to check out the Motorcycle Museum for my friend, Guy, I am sure he will appreciate the pics.

Stats: total km's = 71km
total time = 4hrs and 21 mins
Avg speed = 19.3km's/hr
Hey Dano

Good to hear all is going well, just reading your entries are making us tired. Take care
wherever you travel.. i have no doubt .... it relates directly to ....where your present position is.....