Family Cycling Tour


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
This is cute. My colleague is going on a tour for an overnight camping trip in Tagaytay - that cool, windy place with slight ascending roads. He just bought a bike recently for his youngest. So he and his wife plus their 3 kids who are grade schoolers and high schoolers would be going. But they have an escort vehicle driven by his brother. That's in case something untoward happens. Good planning.

I feel envious.
I am going to ask my wife if we can get back and hit the roads again! I don't know why she gave up riding. We used to enjoy riding together sometime back. We could go riding and camping the whole day. Nowadays its me alone who can remember to go out and ride.
I've been riding with the wife and kids on occasion and it's great to be able to do it as a family activity. :)
I don't have children, but sometimes a couple of the people I mountain bike with bring their kids along and it's always a fun time :) It's definitely a different sort of ride and we tend to take our time more and stick to the less challenging trails, but it makes for a nice relaxing day. Once my nephews get a little older I'm looking forward to cycling with them as well.
sunshiney said:
I don't have children, but sometimes a couple of the people I mountain bike with bring their kids along and it's always a fun time :) It's definitely a different sort of ride and we tend to take our time more and stick to the less challenging trails, but it makes for a nice relaxing day. Once my nephews get a little older I'm looking forward to cycling with them as well.
My nephews and nieces are all grown up but they prefer swimming over biking. Last summer, I was invited to a family tour of Tagaytay City, that windy place with mild ascents, just fine for adults and kids alike. It would have been fun because the children outnumber the adults. Unfortunately, it coincided with our vacation trip to the beach resort and I didn't have the heart to go by myself and let my family be in the resort without me.
We have an overnight trip tomorrow to avail of the holiday for the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit. My sister's family are already excited because we have this plan of renting a bike and riding for at least 10 kilometers, that's 5 kilometers one way. My nephew wants to double the stakes but I am afraid that the swelling in my leg might appear again. The place is Tagaytay that is overlooking the Taal Lake where the Taal Volcano is situated. It has a cool weather and we are praying it wouldn't rain. Good luck to me.
Man, I'd like to be able to do something like this one day. I already said in some other thread that I prefer to ride alone and while that is true, I wouldn't mind taking my family on a road trip like this. i just first need to have a family to be able to that though.
Going cycling with the family can have both positives and negatives I think and while it can probably bring a family closer together, it might also be a catalyst for arguing as well.

To even contemplate going in a family cycling holiday at the very least you will have to make sure the rest of the family like cycling as much as you do, and that's why for me it wouldn't be an option. They can all ride bikes, and do as and when they want to, but they don't take it seriously and they certainly wouldn't want to do it daily.
That is one good way to keep the kids busy and active. Most of the youngsters I know are busy playing online games or socializing over the internet. It is about time that we go outside and enjoy the simple things that we could do on our very limited time.
Oh this is what my future family will be like. Organizing trips on our bikes with kids in the countryside. Just splendid. Plus, a good exercise, and we might be making some picnic once we reach our destination. Such a great idea. I also envy that family you mentioned.
Oh this is what my future family will be like. Organizing trips on our bikes with kids in the countryside. Just splendid. Plus, a good exercise, and we might be making some picnic once we reach our destination. Such a great idea. I also envy that family you mentioned.
I hope you can realize your dream of biking with the family. I have tried but people in our house are not really keen on a tour. They ride, all right, but for short rides only like touring inside our village or maybe in the park. For long rides, they don't have the patience, let's say they have a short attention span when it comes to riding. They prefer to do other activities.
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I hope you can realize your dream of biking with the family. I have tried but people in our house are not really keen on a tour. They ride, all right, but for short rides only like touring inside our village or maybe in the park. For long rides, they don't have the patience, let's say they have a short attention span when it comes to riding. They prefer to do other activities.
Yes, I would not make them do something if they do not feel like it. But if the kids are being introduced to cycling from early age, then there is a big possibility they turn out to be willing to cycle. :) I understand they might want to do other activities, too, rather than cycling, but I would not be a witch mum who pushes them towards doing something they are not willing to do. I just said it would be nice to have such a family and ride with them.
Yes, I would not make them do something if they do not feel like it. But if the kids are being introduced to cycling from early age, then there is a big possibility they turn out to be willing to cycle. :) I understand they might want to do other activities, too, rather than cycling, but I would not be a witch mum who pushes them towards doing something they are not willing to do. I just said it would be nice to have such a family and ride with them.

That's really an advantage when you introduce riding to the children at an early age. And although that's not a guarantee that they will like riding, at least they are already equipped with the skills (of riding) when they grow up. That's one thing I admire in our village, some kids ride in groups of 4 or more and it's a good sight for me to imagine that I was one of them.
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I really like family riding - but only on the countryside.
I don't think I would feel safe riding in bigger highways or around the city. Otherwise family riding, anytime! for me.