Going Campy for a new frame, Chorus or Record?

i would like to add that record has a much better resale value then chorus or lesser groups. If u take care of your stuff get record it's almost an investment. i saw a nice looking pair of 8 speed record go for 200 bux on ebay... the stuff sells.
If you have the scratch, go for the gusto and get Record gruppo. You only live once!

cucamelsmd15 said:
I can get the groups for about $250 price difference. Would it be worth it to go with the Record over the Chorus or vice versa? This bike will be raced, but also used for commuting and daily rides. Thoughts?
I've got both and there is not much between the two apart from the price. Both are excellent.
If you go for record, avoid the light-weight Record Ultra C-10 chain and go for the regular Record C-10 chain instead. 2 links in my Ultra chain just twisted around 45 degrees and jammed in the rear derailleur when I tried to up-shift 5 cogs at once.

The light weight chain has weight-savings holes cut into the chain side plates. I think that makes the side plates less resistent to twisting. The 20 grams saved is absolutely not worth a damaged rear derailleur.