

New Member
Oct 26, 2001
I've just got to get it off my chest.<br /><br />Life sucks !!<br /><br />A good friend of mine had a stroke a couple of days ago and now he's in hospital.<br /><br />The guy is 35 ! and one of the nicest people I know. there are many things I could tell you about him but if I mention that he took Demotion at work, so that he could spend more time at home with his children, I think that would sum him up pretty well.<br /><br />Once again<br /><br /><br >
i am sorry for what happened to your friend for lack of better words it does "suck but god instructed us in all things give thanks and i do have a right to say this cause sept. 29 of 2001 i was diag. with aml leukemia(i still can't spell it) i am only 36 this year aug 18 i asked all the questions why why me etc. but being a christian does exempt me from pain or suffering nor as it did my big brother jesus when he gave his life for me on the cross and then arose on the third day i was scared last year going through 6 months of kemo wondering if i would walk had orth. on knee in feb of this year still recovering i have had several set backs since but march of this year i had bone marrow biopsey and they said i am cancer free ;D i know in whom i believe (jesus) and tell your friend life or death with jesus he will make it ps only thing i have gone through ? NO this week i found out my wife is going to lose her job (after 17 yearssmall private practice no benifits) here boss dr. lyle hase lung cancer he is 67 years old please pray for him ps two bumps in road? march 31 2000 i lost my 6 week old son to tetrology of flow (big word for heart prolbem) micah christian wilson i miss him so much we have a 11year old daughter living and i thank GOD for her i didn't mean to go on and on but i guess i need to get this off my chest too i hope and will be praying for your friend to recover cause it is scarey to be this young and have something like a stroke to happen to you GOD BLESS YOU for you concern for your friend sounds like he has a good friend in you that is something that all of us need LOVE IN CHRIST KEITH
Hey Keith, I read your story and it sound that you and you family went through rough waters. You are in my prairs and I can only pray that everything improve from now on. Good luck man, and yes, God is great.