light off road


Laurel Thomason

I have an injured jogging friend who was wondering if there
is any suspended bent good for light off road--gravel roads,
that sort of thing. I've been out of the bent loop for a
while and don't know what's currently available for this.
Howdy Laurel and others!

I'm wondering if the Sun EZ-Rider (due for release in two
months, I believe) wouldn't be a decent candidate for this?
I'm looking for another recumbent to do exactly what your
friend is looking to do with one. My Tour Easy with its
skinny tires is not very happy on anything but paved
surfaces. The EZ-Rider, perhaps with some more aggressive
tread, might just do the trick.
"Sea" ya!
--Lars S. Mulford
"You can find evil anywhere you look.
The question is, why are you looking?"

"Laurel Thomason" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I have an injured jogging friend who was wondering if there is any
> suspended bent good for light off road--gravel roads, that sort of
> thing. I've been out of the bent loop for a while and don't know
> what's currently available for this.
Regis Hampton, of Florida bike shop fame, has stated that
he did quite well on a BikeE RX.( the fancy one with full
suspension. Not up to MTB standards, but off road one
lane stuff.

Miles of Smiles, Tom "Laurel Thomason"
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I have an injured jogging friend who was wondering if
> there is any suspended bent good for light off road--
> gravel roads, that sort of thing. I've been out of the
> bent loop for a while and don't know what's currently
> available for this.
On 21 Mar 2004 06:53:17 -0800, [email protected] (Laurel
Thomason) wrote in message
<[email protected]>:

>I have an injured jogging friend who was wondering if there
>is any suspended bent good for light off road--gravel
>roads, that sort of thing.

The Optima Orca appears to be designed with that in mind.

May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after

88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at
Washington University
Here's some pics from the prototype stage.

Here's the current iteration.

I just don't have any pics of rallying the prodoction
version yet. The prototype was a blast, everyone always
wanted to ride the 'bent over the mountain bikes. This bike
will do anything that doesn't require bunny-hopping or an
obstacle that is more than about 6-8 inches tall. I can run
straight at a curb at about 5mph and climb it no problem.

It was "Lars S. Mulford" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...
> Howdy Laurel and others!
> I'm wondering if the Sun EZ-Rider (due for release in two
> months, I
> wouldn't be a decent candidate for this? I'm looking
> for another
> to do exactly what your friend is looking to do with one.
> My Tour Easy
> its skinny tires is not very happy on anything but paved
> surfaces. The EZ-Rider, perhaps with some more aggressive
> tread, might just do the
> --
> "Sea" ya! --Lars S. Mulford "You can find evil anywhere
> you look. The question is, why are you looking?"
> "Laurel Thomason" <[email protected]> wrote in
> message
> news:[email protected]...
> > I have an injured jogging friend who was wondering if
> > there is any suspended bent good for light off road--
> > gravel roads, that sort of thing. I've been out of the
> > bent loop for a while and don't know what's currently
> > available for this.
Though it's not current news, I am very satisfied with the
performance of the full suspension RANS Vivo. I've had
mine for two years. It is very comfortable and handles
trails decently.

David Luecke Ridin' a RANS Vivo (wahoo!) Titusville,
Florida USA

"Laurel Thomason" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]...
> I have an injured jogging friend who was wondering if
> there is any suspended bent good for light off road--
> gravel roads, that sort of thing. I've been out of the
> bent loop for a while and don't know what's currently
> available for this.
As others have mentioned, the BikeE RX was a perfect bike for this kind use............and the upcomming SUN EZ-Rider looks like it may be just as suitable. Although neither SUN nor Easy Racers have info on their sites, there are some specs and a simple picture at this site.

The RANS Vivo was also a great SWB for this kind of use. Though no longer in production, you may be lucky enough to find one at a dealer to try.

You might want to look at the Canadian Maxarya CLWB. With suitable tires, it should be similar to the RX or the EZ-Rider.

Another possibility might be a Burley Limbo for light-duty gravel or dirt road use.
As far as getting a Vivo goes, Hostel Shoppe still lists
them in their catalog, so perhaps they have remaining stock.

IIRC, the BikeE FX was the version of the RX that was really
tuned for off-road use. I tried one out a little and didn't
like it, but I think it was a personal fit issue. My body
just didn't feel like it could sit properly on it. .


David Luecke Ridin' a RANS Vivo (wahoo!) Merritt Island,
Florida USA

"Jameson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:6%[email protected]...
> As others have mentioned, the BikeE RX was a perfect bike
> for this kind use............and the upcomming SUN EZ-
> Rider looks like it may be just as suitable. Although
> neither SUN nor Easy Racers have info on their sites,
> there are some specs and a simple picture at this site.
> ameset.htm
> The RANS Vivo was also a great SWB for this kind of use.
> Though no longer in production, you may be lucky enough to
> find one at a dealer to try.
> You might want to look at the Canadian Maxarya CLWB.
> With suitable tires, it should be similar to the RX or
> the EZ-Rider.
> Another possibility might be a Burley Limbo for light-duty
> gravel or dirt road use.
> --