Looking for feedback




I have been doing some training during the Australian (Melbourne) winter aiming to improve and am
just looking for some feedback and tips as to where to next.

A bit of background for you - Last season I competed in several sprint distance triathlons (part of
the Gatorade series for those who know
it) and the main aim was to finish those races. That worked OK, and in the usual post season beer
fuelled review I decided I wanted to improve.

So, over winter I have combined some training for running and biking as these were the 2 areas I
needed to improve on. My workload is this: 4 days a week commute to work by bike (20k each way) and
a longer 80 - 100 k ride on Saturdays. On top of this I have been following a build up plan for a
Half Marathon. I haven't been much of a runner and have slowly built up to being able to run 16k in
my longer runs. (Pace is not as big a concern as getting up the endurance). I run 3 times a week at
lunchtime as well. Swimming at the moment is once or twice a week focusing on technique.

Where is this going you ask? Well I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to next. the short term plan
is to do both the Melbourne 1/2 marathon and the 210k Round the Bay in a Day ride in October and
then focus on some speed work through to the end of November when the first race of the season is
usually planned.

Do you see any problems with my plans so far or do you have any suggestions?