Making Gif And JPG Images


New Member
Feb 2, 2004
Please check out my Barbarella gif - I made it on Paint Shop Pro and Animation shop (although I know more sophisticated software is available).
Anyone else into making websites and images using software?
For websites, I'm one of those few people who actually use Front Page quite effectively, tampering with some HTML in the process to get things perfect. I did do some Javascript as well but am far from being an expert.
Interesting hobby though when you've done your day's cycling and have some time to kill.
Anyone like my Barbarella Psychedella gif? Hope it works.
Hmmm, it does work but the image ain't so big. The website wouldn't allow anything much over 100 so I had to reduce the size. But if you click on what there is, you should see my attempt at animation - crude though it is. :rolleyes:
Carrera said:
Please check out my Barbarella gif - I made it on Paint Shop Pro and Animation shop (although I know more sophisticated software is available).
Anyone else into making websites and images using software?
For websites, I'm one of those few people who actually use Front Page quite effectively, tampering with some HTML in the process to get things perfect. I did do some Javascript as well but am far from being an expert.
Interesting hobby though when you've done your day's cycling and have some time to kill.
Anyone like my Barbarella Psychedella gif? Hope it works.
the thing i like about PSP is that you get that little animator with it that is very easy to use and as far as imaging software goes its pretty cheap.

i use Photoshop and Dreamweaver, i am a professional web developer. I develop database driven e-commerce applications and small business websites using php and mysql. I prefer to hard code the HTML to tweak it after dreamweaver makes a mess of it.

I could forward you a few sites that i do but it will have to be on PM as they contain my own business website url with my personal contact details...i dont want them banded about.

I am working on a tourist website for a South African tour operator at the moment but i have created sites for Scottish companies and an American recuitment firm based in California.

Stick at the web design though, i have always found it a rewarding experience and the barbarella gif looks good...
I'd love to move into that kind of work. As things stand, I can do a pretty colourful, basic website but nothing spectacular. I'm one of those few people who uses Microsoft Frontpage to insert the basic tables, although it can be tricky as there are limitations. Sometimes I have to open up notepad and fiddle about with table sizes till I get the correct outline.
Lately I've been doodling with masks and vector layers on Paint Shop but have no idea what you're supposed to do with a mask. But last night I was up till 3.00 a.m. doing an Invaders gif from the Invaders TV series. It looks fantastic considering I only used Microsoft. What I did was create a multicoloured background and impose an invader space ship on top. Then I animated the colours so you have the TV saucer glowing in outer space - just like on TV.
Maybe next I should go for an animated Dalek.
Here is the website I used to learn some Javascript. I know the teacher personally and here is his site:
Carrera said:
I'd love to move into that kind of work. As things stand, I can do a pretty colourful, basic website but nothing spectacular. I'm one of those few people who uses Microsoft Frontpage to insert the basic tables, although it can be tricky as there are limitations. Sometimes I have to open up notepad and fiddle about with table sizes till I get the correct outline.
Lately I've been doodling with masks and vector layers on Paint Shop but have no idea what you're supposed to do with a mask. But last night I was up till 3.00 a.m. doing an Invaders gif from the Invaders TV series. It looks fantastic considering I only used Microsoft. What I did was create a multicoloured background and impose an invader space ship on top. Then I animated the colours so you have the TV saucer glowing in outer space - just like on TV.
Maybe next I should go for an animated Dalek.
Here is the website I used to learn some Javascript. I know the teacher personally and here is his site:
A buddy of mine moonlights as a web guy and he uses a program called Cold Fusion...I think that is it. He started off using Dreamweaver but when he started making money he needed a program with more "horsepower".
This is all according to him...I am the "messenger"!
jaguar75 said:
A buddy of mine moonlights as a web guy and he uses a program called Cold Fusion...I think that is it. He started off using Dreamweaver but when he started making money he needed a program with more "horsepower".
This is all according to him...I am the "messenger"!
coldfusion is not for beginners...its for application developers.

if i were Carrera i would start at the beginning and work from there...

i have used Cold Fusion and Cold Fusion Server for over 6 years and still havent even scratched the surface...

i suggest that you start with PSP, Photoshop and continue to use Frontpage. Then once you are used to those IDE enviorments step up to Flash MX and Dreamweaver MX...but nothing substitutes for cold, hard html knowledge...

get scripting with PHP or depending whether you are using linux or windows servers and then you'll be able to build databse driven websites using SQL server...a ridiculously easy database to learn and use on the web...

once you're ready for something to pull it all togther then get coldfusion.

i can give you book and website reccomendations on all of the above...
MountainPro said:
coldfusion is not for beginners...its for application developers.

if i were Carrera i would start at the beginning and work from there...

i have used Cold Fusion and Cold Fusion Server for over 6 years and still havent even scratched the surface...

i suggest that you start with PSP, Photoshop and continue to use Frontpage. Then once you are used to those IDE enviorments step up to Flash MX and Dreamweaver MX...but nothing substitutes for cold, hard html knowledge...

get scripting with PHP or depending whether you are using linux or windows servers and then you'll be able to build databse driven websites using SQL server...a ridiculously easy database to learn and use on the web...

once you're ready for something to pull it all togther then get coldfusion.

i can give you book and website reccomendations on all of the above...
Nicely put...You definately know your **** Mountain!!!
One question: What is the secret to making a background image? I can make all sorts of patters on Paint Shop but I don't know how to edit for size. If I make a gif and then use it as background on a webpage, it simply appears as multiple images on the site (like panels).
Do you have to blow the image up somehow to about 3000?

MountainPro said:
coldfusion is not for beginners...its for application developers.

if i were Carrera i would start at the beginning and work from there...

i have used Cold Fusion and Cold Fusion Server for over 6 years and still havent even scratched the surface...

i suggest that you start with PSP, Photoshop and continue to use Frontpage. Then once you are used to those IDE enviorments step up to Flash MX and Dreamweaver MX...but nothing substitutes for cold, hard html knowledge...

get scripting with PHP or depending whether you are using linux or windows servers and then you'll be able to build databse driven websites using SQL server...a ridiculously easy database to learn and use on the web...

once you're ready for something to pull it all togther then get coldfusion.

i can give you book and website reccomendations on all of the above...
Carrera said:
One question: What is the secret to making a background image? I can make all sorts of patters on Paint Shop but I don't know how to edit for size. If I make a gif and then use it as background on a webpage, it simply appears as multiple images on the site (like panels).
Do you have to blow the image up somehow to about 3000?
in Photoshop its:

Image>image size> the plug in your dimensions in either pixels, inches or cms.

PSP must be something similar...check out

blowing a small image into a big one willresult in lower image quality and pixelate it though.