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Aug 13, 2013
Pathways from Cannabis to Psychosis: A Review of the Evidence (Jonathan K. Burns)


To be clear, I don't have an opinion on legalization. I would have to see the hazard rates for the effects of cannabis-use during adolescence (the sensitive period for these effects) since adolescents can't legally make important decisions.

Furthermore, it might actually be easier to regulate if legitimate sellers put the illegitimate sellers out of business. Revoke someone's permission to buy it if they're caught giving it to kids or selling it second-hand. The kiddy-dopers will have difficulty finding a black market seller—no need for them to soak up tax dollars in a prison cell.
I live in Washington State. Last year, pot was legalized. It is still very early to come to conclusions here, but there has been an increase in pot confiscations in several public school districts. I have noticed an increase in pot smoking while driving.
Originally Posted by urge2kill
To be clear, I don't have an opinion on legalization. I would have to see the hazard rates for the effects of cannabis-use during adolescence (the sensitive period for these effects) since adolescents can't legally make important decisions.

Furthermore, it might actually be easier to regulate if legitimate sellers put the illegitimate sellers out of business. Revoke someone's permission to buy it if they're caught giving it to kids or selling it second-hand. The kiddy-dopers will have difficulty finding a black market seller—no need for them to soak up tax dollars in a prison cell.

How about rates of 20yo kids getting "smoked" over ganja deals gone wrong with "Abdul" and kids paying thousands of their parents money on lawyers and doing time with more "stabby" people over a summer spliff which was weighted with the lighter etc in the country-police station of the summer resort, resulting in a law case of "possession with the intent of trafficking"?

Or that hash cut with hell knows what sold to (the "cool") kids etc...

Smoking pot probably just makes you tired if you are kinda stable to begin with... Drinking much, even though more socially accepted is much more dangerous.

It's also the location that kinda influences the "trip".
My opinion on legalization is unknown. However, if we begin to see positive effects in a state such as Colorado, I may begin to form some assumptions. I would have to see the effects and evidence though that this legalization is positive and not bringing the country down as a whole. Righteous.
I don't smoke it, I just never really enjoyed it. But I think it should be legal. There's isnt actually one good reason for it to be criminalized
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I believe that sports organizations generally consider cannabis to be a PERFORMANCE ENHANCING drug. Cannabis was originally opposed by white South Africans because their "slaves" used it in order to be able to work long hours day after day. It is easily detected for at least a month after last use, so consider that if you will be in any competition.

There are a number of well documented health benefits to cannabis use. These benefits are for specific conditions, except for the uses in fighting infections. Personal use should be a personal question, but the use during sports competitions is a different question. Required periods of abstinence needs more study. Perhaps use should be regulated somewhat like steroid use. Long term banishment for cannabis use is irrational, in my opinion.
Colnago62 said:
I live in Washington State. Last year, pot was legalized. It is still very early to come to conclusions here, but there has been an increase in pot confiscations in several public school districts. I have noticed an increase in pot smoking while driving.
Was this while YOU were driving that you noticed it, or do you mean people driving while smoking? Or are you smoking more while driving? The way that pot-smoking drivers are spotted by cops is that they are driving slowly and extremely cautiously. The drivers, not the cops. Marijuana causes paranoia. The reason cops would rather see you smoke than eat pot is that the paranoia sets in fast enough to make you quit before you get too high, since you become paranoid about how stoned you are.
One point no one seems to talk about is how when drugs are illegal they empower criminal organizations. Big time dope growers are mostly organized crime groups.
If they make a buck on pot, they just turn around and reinvest that into things like: terrorism, human trafficking, identity theft, credit card fraud, weapons smuggling, production and sale of harder drugs, organ theft... the list is endless.
When it's legal that's one less revenue stream. Also when it's legal public companies make the profit, not gangs. Public companies are often held by pension funds.
So essentially my logic goes to this: Who is more important to you, the elderly or the cartels? Choice is yours who to support.
My opinion on legalization is simple - legalize.

For me I look at one thing, alcohol, legal with age restrictions. It is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the dangers of alcohol. Just check motor vehicle accidents and deaths due to alcohol. There is no hard and solid evidence that pot is a gateway drug, or causes cancer, etc. In fact it's known as a decent pain med.

Legalize it. We know the government will make a ton of $$ adding taxes to it. Let companies profit. Plus, all of the money legal enforcement agencies spend on trying to confiscate pot is absurd.
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I live in Washington State. Last year, pot was legalized. It is still very early to come to conclusions here, but there has been an increase in pot confiscations in several public school districts. I have noticed an increase in pot smoking while driving.
I can support its legalisation if it should only be grown for medical purposes not smoking it for fun. Operating any machinery under influence from marijuana can be dangerous since one is unable to fully concentrate. If you are a student you will never concentrate on your studies. Then who will it be legalised for?
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