Minimum age allowed to bike on the street


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
I think there should be a minimum age for a biker in the street. This is related to the news on tv that I saw for 3 consecutive nights about accidents that are involving children. On a secondary road, the cctv caught the biker who looks like 10 years old that crossed the path of a vehicle. It's a good thing that the vehicle was not speeding. In the other news, it was a collision of a bicycle and a motorcycle. The bicycle, ridden by a boy, was out of line. I think those children should not be allowed to ride in the streets because they have no training on how to go about riding in the streets.
I have been worried lately about the way most of the kids that do not even understand what the rules of riding on the road now uses bikes. In as much as it is going to be difficult to implement a rule that will bring about an age limit before someone starts riding, I believe government should do something towards that as soon as possible.
For younger kids, the responsibility is shared by the parents and other people in the neighborhood to keep children safe and ensure that they are at least using age-appropriate bikes and with supervision. Of course, there should be a policy implemented regarding this, and it should be enforced. In terms of biking on larger roads, the only appropriate age is the same as the age for driving.
While I understand your concerns, I must disagree. Increasing the minimum age for cyclists oversimplifies the issue and places blame solely on children. We should focus on improving road safety and educating all road users, not restricting access. Let's work together to create a safer environment for everyone, not just cyclists. #RoadSafety #CyclingCommunity.
While I understand your concern, I must disagree with the idea of a minimum age for biking in the street. The solution isn't to restrict children's freedom but to educate them and their parents about road safety. Children should be taught from a young age how to navigate the roads safely and responsibly. Banning them from biking altogether isn't the answer. Instead, we should provide the proper resources and education to ensure their safety. It's not about age, it's about knowledge and skill.
Full agreement on education over restrictions. However, it's naive to think all children and parents will absorb safety info. Many lack basic cycling skills, leading to accidents. Mandatory safety courses for young cyclists and their parents could be beneficial. #RoadSafety #CyclingSkills.