My first unicycle dream



It finally happened.

Having only had a unicycle for 3 weeks, I had my first
unicycling dream last night. In the midst of a really cool
action movie type dream with rescuing of damsels and the
such, for some reason I was unicycling.

From what I remember, I was unicycling backwards in a circle
using only my left foot. A level 9 skill, when I haven't
even managed to freemount that well yet.

Oh the dream was good, but it had to end.


al.dyne's Profile:
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that is awesome! wow i think you've passed into a new level
of obsession over unicycles. rock on!



The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety
labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
tennisgh22's Profile:
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How weird. I got mine early April and I just had a dream.
The day before it, I watched a uni vid somewhere on this
site, where the guy threw his uni at a wall. In my dream, it
was sort of like that, but exaggerated. A uni came toward me
flying through the air out of nowhere.

digigal1 - 3 revs on carpet! ;)

Omni for Uni and Uni for Omni!
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Just so you know, there is a thread "Gallery of unicycling
dreams" on Just Conversation.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
be sure to remove the saddle and simply sit on the seat
post. this is far more comfortable - tennisgh22 on the
comfort of Savage unis
i've had a few unicycling dreams... most have just been me
doing radical tricks.

once i did heaps of 360 unispins (interesting..coz i can't
even do 180) and it was really easy

another time i was coasting down a steep hill in my
neighbourhood really fast

once i had this really ....weird dream

it started slightly normally... i was gliding down some
hills in park..

then all of a sudden the park transformed into a massive
waterpark... i was unicycling down all these water slides
and all these kids from my school were sliding down them. At
the end of the water slide there was like a 10ft drop into
water. i landed in the water and somehow i unicycled while
floating in the water to end of the pool.

crazy huh?

nickvb123 - learning to side ride

I think i'm going to kill the next person who mentions the word circus.
nickvb123's Profile:
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I've had a couple of uni dreams, usually just doing stuff
better then usual or stuff I can't do, but before I learned
to ride (maybe before I got my uni, I forget) I dreamt I was
riding on a small uni, 6" or so thinking back, that had
chrome hub cap type things instead of spokes and I was
riding it through a junk yard fairly confidently... does
anybody have a dream analysis book (or even web site) where
they can look up what unicycling + junk yards =???

one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist


"It's all in the mind, not the behind" -Mikefule
one wheeled stallion's Profile:
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I haven't dreamt of me riding yet... but i did have a dream
where I was riding with Ryan Atkins (m_extreme_uni) and
suddenly he did this huge 200ft drop. I was impressed, and
ever since then, i've respected the guy.

Mellick - That's my lion! Rawr! I'm scary!

Logan says that staring at trees is better, I can safely say that that
is a completely incorrect response. If John Childs says it, it will
carry more weight. --Paco
Mellick's Profile:
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Was it one of those dreams where you just "know" it was
200ft? Or was it something you know the height of? Did he
land it? Did he bend his seat post? I had a dream where I
just knew I was in Sweden (despite having driven there from
the UK in about 15mins) having never been there and having
nothing to tell me I was in Sweden. Crazy.

one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist


"It's all in the mind, not the behind" -Mikefule
one wheeled stallion's Profile:
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Well, i was in the middle of this cliff and suddenly Ryan
dropped off from the top and he jumped to where i was...
when i looked up it was super high, so i don't know if it
was 200ft, but it was humongous!!!

I don't think he bent or cracked anything, but then again
you never know... he might be like an animal hiding his
wounds so that he won't get eaten. And when I told him about
my dream he said "Whoa! I'm good!"

Mellick - That's my lion! Rawr! I'm scary!

Logan says that staring at trees is better, I can safely say that that
is a completely incorrect response. If John Childs says it, it will
carry more weight. --Paco
Mellick's Profile:
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this is a very important milestone in your unicycling life,
it's like when a baby takes its first steps.....i'm proud
of you! ;)

treepotato - No brakes, No limits.........Felix

Some unicycles can give nasty pedal bites.....i still have the scars to
prove it
treepotato's Profile:
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> I don't think he bent or cracked anything, but then again
> you never know... he might be like an animal hiding his
> wounds so that he won't get eaten. And when I told him
> about my dream he said "Whoa! I'm good!"

Lol! Now I have this image in my head of your lion avatar
eating Ryan Atkins because he failed to hide his broken
unicycle after a 200ft drop!

one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist


"It's all in the mind, not the behind" -Mikefule
one wheeled stallion's Profile:
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