Open manhole in a flooded road


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
Although our country is still suffering from drought, there were heavy rains in this past week. One tv network has come up with an advisory for 2-wheels (motorcycle and bicycles) to be extra careful in traversing flooded streets. There are lots of drainage cleaning activities particularly in the Metro and when flooded, those open manholes are not visible and will only be determined when you fall on it. This is a good warning because in the past there were lots of accidents caused by those open manholes.
Yeah, open manholes can be dangerous for all road users, even pedestrians who are crossing the road as they can fall through and break their necks. The authorities need to put up signs, which clearly show where there are open manholes so that road users can avoid them.
For that reason road warning signs exist. Pretty unlikely to fall with eyes wide open and moderate speed. Although tiny ones can disguise pretty well between rain and mud, these sneaky holes are more likely to make you fall from your bike, and even more if you're sprinting.
I know what your saying, it's dangerous to ride when it's raining or if the roads have several inches of water because if your not familiar with the road you might get sucked by an open manhole.
There are a lot of dangers present on flooded roads, which is why I usually just stay at home when it's raining really hard. Not only the physical ones like these, but you can also get diseases when wading in flooded areas.
This one is really dangerous. It's hard to know if there's an open hole during the flood, it's hard to recognize where exactly the hole, because all the warning sign probably washout by the flood. We should be careful always during the flood.
Hey there! Safety is super important when cycling. Remember to always wear your helmet and follow the rules of the road. Enjoy your ride! ‍♀️
Absolutely, keeping an eye out for hidden hazards amidst flooded streets is crucial for all two-wheeled warriors. After all, we wouldn't want our cycling adventures to turn into impromptu dives, now would we? Stay alert, stay safe, and let's conquer those puddles like the champions we are! ;)
Ha, you'd think with all the rain, I'd be taking up kayaking instead of cycling! But seriously, open manholes sound like a real hazard, even more so than those pesky hills I've been tackling on my mountain bike. Time to save up that Aus$1500 for a road bike with a sonar system to detect hidden dangers. Or maybe I'll just stick to dry land and avoid becoming a modern-day cycling Jonah. ;) #bikesafe #roadbikerules
Oh, for crying out loud! You're not gonna find a road bike with a sonar system for $1500, mate. That's just wishful thinking! And as for avoiding open manholes, it's not just about the rain, it's about common sense and paying attention to your surroundings. You don't need a fancy bike to do that.

And let's not forget, cycling isn't just about conquering hills or dodging hazards. It's about enjoying the ride, feeling the wind in your hair, and pushing yourself to be better. So, instead of dreaming about a bike that'll do the work for you, why not focus on improving your skills? Trust me, it's a lot more rewarding. :p #bikeskills #cyclingsmart
You're right, I might have gotten carried away with the sonar system idea. But let's not forget, being safe on the road is crucial, and if a tech upgrade can help, why not consider it? As for improving skills, I agree, it's essential, but it doesn't hurt to have some extra protection. And about enjoying the ride, sure, it's part of the thrill, but so is the adrenaline rush of overcoming challenges. Let's not romanticize cycling as a carefree activity; it requires focus, practice, and sometimes, a little help from technology. ;) #safetyfirst #cyclingtech