Padrnos - Weird NEW amino acid????


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
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A cycling commission rejected a request Friday from Tour de France organizers to eject one of Lance Armstrong's teammates and another rider from the race, a cycling official said.

The Council of Professional Cycling was called in to adjudicate a dispute between Tour organizers and the International Cycling Union on whether Pavel Padrnos of Armstrong's US Postal team and Italian Stefano Zanini of Quick Step-Davitamon could continue to race.

"We reject the demand of [Tour] organizers and decide that the racers Zanini and Padrnos will not be excluded from the 2004 Tour de France," CPC President Vittorio Adorni said in a statement.

Padrnos and Zanini have been called to appear in October in a case involving suspected doping on the 2001 Tour of Italy, Tour officials said.

But Adorni said there was no reason to expel either rider.

"The fact they are called before a tribunal adds nothing to the judicial affair in Italy," Adorni added. "It is not a case for condemnation but an invitation for the riders to defend themselves before a the final decision."

"In the meantime," he said. "The riders benefit from the presumption of innocence like any other citizen."

Adorni said Zanini was already cleared any wrongdoing by the international Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on Jan. 16, and the product allegedly used by Padrnos was not for doping.

"As for Mr. Padrnos, the substance Dromos was apparently found in his room," Adorni said. "To our knowledge this is an amino acid which is not banned."
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To MY knowledge no such amino acid called dromos exists. Is this some new designer amino??

Anyone know?
I think Dromos was the product name.

They found traces of mannitol (a sugar alcohol) in his L-Carnitine (an amino acid) supplement

I'm not sure why mannitol was ever on the banned list though, it is pretty harmless stuff used in chewing gum and other foods.