People Who Honk

Uhh, I always get so confused when drivers honk at me out of the blue.

One time I was crossing the road safely and one of the cars from behind the red light honked at me and I jumped a big, like stop booing at me, please. I do not shout at you, either.
Honking in general sucks because we have irresponsible people on the planet. It's intentionally designed to be this distracting can not put a big giant button that does stuff, anything for that matter, in front of certain people...they will push it...
I hate being honked at. It stresses me out and gets me all nervous. It's not necessary whether I'm on a bike or in a car. Just last night while driving home, the second that the traffic light turned green, the person behind me was honking. Got me all freaked out for no reason.
I get what you're saying, it's like some people don't understand that it's perfectly legal and normal do drive a bike in the road. Some car drivers think we're insane and shouldn't be doing it. It's pretty stupid, I've already received a lot of honks because of this.
I used to hate cars that would honk for no reason at all. Then I nearly got sideswiped by a car that I didn't see coming. Now I don't mind the honks too much. It's better to get the annoying honk and be aware that there is a car coming, then to not know and end up in a hospital.
This honking thing is a disease that is bothersome to everyone on the roads, whether you are riding on a bike or not. I'm tired of people honking at me in my car just because the light turned green 1.5 seconds ago and I haven't hit the gas yet. Good grief, people, give me time to react, will you? And then there is my personal favorite... when you are signalling a right turn and stopped at a red light... and there's a sign saying no turn on red. Inevitably, there will be someone behind me honking like an idiot. I want a bumper sticker that reads, 'look before you honk.'