Re: "we have been dismissed from permission to access these fine lands that belong to us"


Mike Vandeman

On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 08:21:20 -0800, Socks <[email protected]> wrote:

..On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 16:03:10 +0000, Mike Vandeman wrote:
..> On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 17:50:39 -0800, Socks <[email protected]> wrote:
..> .On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 20:00:13 -0500, Ian St. John wrote: . .> Fine. All
..> you have to do is agree that mountain bikers have not been .> "dismissed
..> from permission to access these fine lands that belong to us" .> and I
..> will agree that you are not acting as a group in making this false .>
..> statement. So far, I have seen nobody defending the mountain biking side
..> .> who will admit that the phrase is in error. Ergo, you flock together,
..> .> you get painted with the same brush. (mixing a few metaphors ). . .i
..> am able to recognize and distinguish that the statement: . . "bikers are
..> excluded from this trail, while hikers are not" . .means that i may
..> hike, but not ride, that trail.
..your non-standard "."s wrap like ****.
..> BS. Anyone who can read English knows what it means: bikers can't go
..> there, which is a lie.
.. are both a well-known kook, and very slow to respond. i suppose you
..had nothing better to do this morning, so you went back through and looked
..for an old post to hang your dribble on.
..> fwiw, i think you
..> .confuse the issue when you ask if "mountain bikers" have been denied
..> ."dismissed from permission".
..> Right. Mountain biker Paul Nam deliberately lied, KNOWING that he was
..> lying. You know it, too. You just don;t have the guts to admit it.
..i'm sorry mike, i've been around the usenet long enough to know who you
..are, and to not waste much energy on your thought process. if is enough
..for me that Mr. Nam wrote:
.."It shouldn't matter that this event was started by hikers. Most of us
..hike as well, and some trail run. ROMP can serve the community of trail
..users on a day like this, and not limit our scope to cycling."
..that tells me that he knows he can hike or run, end of story ... for
..everyone but a kook.

We all know mountain bikers can walk. So the question is, why do they feel it
necessary to LIE about it (obviously, to try to get sympathy)?
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)