Riding On The Sidewalk

That's why I say bikes have to be on the roads or else pedestrians will not be safe!
I never ride my bike where there might be pedestrians, because where I live there are perfectly good roads for people to ride on, and this means that there is no need at all to be riding where there is a chance that somebody could get injured. I know that many people do still choose to ride there, but I would urge them to think about what they're doing, as it only takes a second of misjudgement or confusion to ride into somebody and seriously injure them.
Here in the UK now, there's an abundance of cycle lanes in most if not all of the major towns and cities, so for me there's no reason to ride on the pavement any more.

A few years ago there might have been a case for using the pavement instead of the road, just as long as you was careful and obviously avoided the pedestrians but now it's simply not needed anymore over here.