Setting long term goal


New Member
Jun 30, 2005
I am a master 45+ racer who has been using an SRM for over a year now. I utilize CTS coaching and lab services. In a recent field test I was able to produce 4.6 watts/kilo avg for the 8 minutes duration of the test.

I am trying to set a long term goal, 3-5 years out, and was hoping to eyeball some power files from some top masters racers so as to set a goal based in some sort of reality.

Paul :)
FWIW, here are my power/duration numbers when I am race-fit.
Duration Watts
5s 1000
1m 576
5m 405
10m 382
20m 350
30m 343
60m 324
120m 291

I weigh ~75kg when I am race-fit, so that gives me ~4.3 w/kg. I'm 62 but usually have to race with either the 45+ or 55+ because they don't usually have a 60+ category. I can usually finish with the lead group, but my sprint power is a little putrid so I can't count on winning field sprints. I don't know if this helps you set any goals, but maybe it will give you an idea of what it takes to hang with the lead group in mass start races.
pzskiba said:
I am a master 45+ racer who has been using an SRM for over a year now. I utilize CTS coaching and lab services. In a recent field test I was able to produce 4.6 watts/kilo avg for the 8 minutes duration of the test.

I am trying to set a long term goal, 3-5 years out, and was hoping to eyeball some power files from some top masters racers so as to set a goal based in some sort of reality.

Paul :)

To give you a reasonable estimate it would help to know your average power for 15 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 20 minutes and 50-60 minutes. Absolute power numbers help too. Also, what kinds of races yield your best results, which ones you like doing, and what part of the country do you live in? I expect your CTS coach could help you with this too?
Terry Ferguson said:
That's what I was thinking. What is a coach for if not goal setting?
Well I don't expect a coach to set the goal, the athlete should do that (of course in consultation with the coach). The coach's job should be to determine what (and how long) will be required to achieve it or provide advice as to the attainability of the goal.

That said, I find the OP's question curious - wouldn't the goal be to achieve race oriented outcome(s) (e.g. promotion to next Cat, or placing/winning in specific events etc) and the likely power demands required simply be one factor in attaining and measuring progress towards that goal? I mean, experience, tactics and skills are key factors to be considered in race performance beyond power output (as incredibly useful as power is in predicting performance). If TT'ing, then equipment, set up etc also come strongly into play.

Can a coach really be expected to pick how much a rider can improve their power numbers - don't we all have different inherent abilities making that "performance ceiling" quite a sizeable variable between athletes?
Of course, I forgot to say - setting long terms goals is a fantastic thing to do, so best of luck. Makes the journey full of purpose.