Slow support


Aug 12, 2001
Hi guys

A car failed to give way to me at a round-a-bout yesterday arvo. I ended up with my right arm being broken in 2 places and lost quite abit of skin off my legs, **** and arms!

So you can expect delays with support queries over the next couple of weeks sorry.

Hi guys

A car failed to give way to me at a round-a-bout yesterday arvo. I ended up with my right arm being broken in 2 places and lost quite abit of skin off my legs, **** and arms!

So you can expect delays with support queries over the next couple of weeks sorry.

steve said:
Hi guys

A car failed to give way to me at a round-a-bout yesterday arvo. I ended up with my right arm being broken in 2 places and lost quite abit of skin off my legs, **** and arms!

So you can expect delays with support queries over the next couple of weeks sorry.

Ouch, that sounds painful! Hope you recover well soon. Doing a pretty darned good job of the site by the way.
steve said:
Hi guys

A car failed to give way to me at a round-a-bout yesterday arvo. I ended up with my right arm being broken in 2 places and lost quite abit of skin off my legs, **** and arms!

So you can expect delays with support queries over the next couple of weeks sorry.


Gravel rash + broken bits, frig! She (hopefully) wasn't liquored up from Melb Cup festivities?!? Are you following this up via the cops/insurance et al?

Many many thanks for all yr excellent work here on CF & sincerely hope yr back on the pedally soon.

c :)
cfsmtb said:
Gravel rash + broken bits, frig! She (hopefully) wasn't liquored up from Melb Cup festivities?!? Are you following this up via the cops/insurance et al?

Many many thanks for all yr excellent work here on CF & sincerely hope yr back on the pedally soon.

c :)
All she gets is a ticket for not giving way :mad: I haven't followed up on insurance yet. It seems like there isn't much u can do if youre hit by a car.

One thing that did **** me off was the ***** tried to play the victim, somehow it was my fault according to her :confused:.

steve said:
All she gets is a ticket for not giving way :mad: I haven't followed up on insurance yet. It seems like there isn't much u can do if youre hit by a car.

One thing that did **** me off was the ***** tried to play the victim, somehow it was my fault according to her :confused:.


Follow it up with TAC:

Are you a Bicycle Victoria member? Also follow it up: personal accident benefits.pdf

Please let us know how you go.
steve said:
All she gets is a ticket for not giving way :mad: I haven't followed up on insurance yet. It seems like there isn't much u can do if youre hit by a car.

One thing that did **** me off was the ***** tried to play the victim, somehow it was my fault according to her :confused:.


Steve, firstly hope you mend (relatively) quickly

2ndly, contact me 'offline' if you like re damages and what CAN be done when hit by a car...

The very fact that she has been charged by Police basically means liablity is worn by her!
Presumably you have been given the TAC rhubarb by now... if not GET IT!
you shouldnt have to payout more than the initial $~567, as TAC will cover everything beyond that.
That $~567 you can claim off her too!

Get yourself/injuires photographed NOW!!!
It'll no doubt be looking its worst...

Get your bike assessed and send a copy to her and her insurance Co
Include the Attending Officer's details. That'll stop any debate dead-quick
Also include your TAC claim Number



Now, go sick'em REX!

F"crash test dummy"Dutch
steve said:
Hi guys

A car failed to give way to me at a round-a-bout yesterday arvo. I ended up with my right arm being broken in 2 places and lost quite abit of skin off my legs, **** and arms!

So you can expect delays with support queries over the next couple of weeks sorry.


Ouch! Much nastiness. Sad (but not all that surprising) to hear that the motorist is trying to evade responsibility for their actions. Good luck with it all.
From my personal experience, FDs advice is spot on and corresponds to that I was given by the BISA lawyer when I was hit. Good luck with your recovery and getting restitution.
steve said:
All she gets is a ticket for not giving way :mad: I haven't followed up on insurance yet. It seems like there isn't much u can do if youre hit by a car.

One thing that did **** me off was the ***** tried to play the victim, somehow it was my fault according to her :confused:.


Sorry to hear you got hit. Hope you are on the mend already.

Unfortunately, on the criminal side of things, the police often go for what they have the easy evidence for, ie fail to give way. Even though running over cyclists on roundabouts might really be negligent/dangerous/culpable driving, it is much much harder to prove in court.

And the criminal side is (legally) out of your hands pretty much.

You, however, have civil law rights to chase compensation for you and your bike, other damaged items, lost salary etc. That is the way to make an idiot driver pay and therefore learn a lesson (hopeful optimism).

Get well soon

steve said:
All she gets is a ticket for not giving way :mad: I haven't followed up on insurance yet. It seems like there isn't much u can do if youre hit by a car.

One thing that did **** me off was the ***** tried to play the victim, somehow it was my fault according to her :confused:.


You probably won't be able to get back on a bike ever again,because of the traumatic fear induced by such a reckless driver.
It may take years of therapy and you will be denied your greatest lifes passion, cycling.
You will probably suffer economic setbacks a well.
See a good Chiropractor and a good attorney and remember the above.
Hope you mend well
steve said:
Hi guys

A car failed to give way to me at a round-a-bout yesterday arvo. I ended up with my right arm being broken in 2 places and lost quite abit of skin off my legs, **** and arms!

So you can expect delays with support queries over the next couple of weeks sorry.

*ouch* :(

I hope the recuperation and mending goes just as it should do... I hope you're getting lots of TLC.

steve said:
Hi guys

A car failed to give way to me at a round-a-bout yesterday arvo. I ended up with my right arm being broken in 2 places and lost quite abit of skin off my legs, **** and arms!

So you can expect delays with support queries over the next couple of weeks sorry.


Hey Steve,

Just seen this thread. Get well soon, and hope you mend quickly and get back out on that bike. Don't let it put you off.

Ric "been knocked off 3 times by idiot drivers"
steve said:
Hi guys

A car failed to give way to me at a round-a-bout yesterday arvo. I ended up with my right arm being broken in 2 places and lost quite abit of skin off my legs, **** and arms!

So you can expect delays with support queries over the next couple of weeks sorry.

How are you doing ? Has the arm mended well enough to ride?
I hope the wounds are healing, Steve. Thanks for your efforts on the Forum.
Happy New Year.
