Suspension forks on hybrid: does ANYONE prefer them?


New Member
Apr 16, 2010
I am about to exchange my mountain bike which doesn't fit for a hybrid bike tomorrow, I have a model in mind at £300 but it has front suspension forks and seat suspension.

I thought these were advantages as it does feel comfy to ride, esp with a baby on the back, and it's £40 more expensive than the one without any sus.

However I am told by friends and on this forum that I am wasting my money as it actually adds extra weight to the bike!

Would really appreciate female perspective on this dilemma! Even a short answer would be appreciated - I don't have much time before i buy it! :) thanks all! xx
thevillagebike said:
....but it has front suspension forks and seat suspension. I thought these were advantages as it does feel comfy to ride, esp with a baby on the back, ....

I'm not female, but I would say buy it if you're happy riding it. Don't worry about the few extra ounces - the kid will soon weight more than the suspension components.
I agree with the post above. Purchase the bike that you like the most. The best bike for you is the one that you enjoy riding.
My first hybrid had front and seat suspension, and it was ridiculously light compared to my old mountain bike. So comparing it to whatever you already had, it's probably much lighter.

If you have a baby on the back, you'll probably want to go for a little more comfort at the cost of a little less speed. People say that front sus makes a bike feel sloppy but I think they're nice for comfortable rides across uneven terrain. Check the new bike (you already bought it, right?) carefully; you might be able to lock the suspension somehow if you find you don't like it!
thevillagebike said:
However I am told by friends and on this forum that I am wasting my money as it actually adds extra weight to the bike!
Don't be a weight weinie! It really depends where you're riding. If you know you'll just be on streets, save the 40. If you plan on doing light trails, go with the suspension. I have a suspension fork on mine, keeps my arms from vibrating to death on trails.