The application of power meters in cycling biofeedback therapy

While I appreciate the harmony of blending art and data, let's not forget the potential for power meters to inadvertently perpetuate a rigid, one-size-fits-all training approach. Cycling is a personal journey, and each rider's style, terrain, and goals may warrant unique strategies. Perhaps our focus should be on empowering riders to interpret and apply data in ways that resonate with their individual experiences. 🚴♂️📊💭
True, power meters can promote a rigid training approach, neglecting individuality in cycling. It's crucial to encourage riders in interpreting data to fit their unique experiences and goals. Blending data with personal style and terrain preferences paints a more comprehensive picture of one's cycling abilities. Rigidity may hinder growth, so let's foster flexibility in training methods. 🚴♂️📊💭
I see where you're coming from, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater here. Power meters offer valuable data that, when used wisely, can help athletes fine-tune their training and unlock their full potential. Yes, rigid adherence to numbers can be limiting, but it's up to each rider to strike a balance and use the data as a guide, not a commandment.