What are the biggest risks and rewards of pursuing a career in bike racing in the USA?

I get your adrenaline rush argument, but "Ride Brave" could mean "Ride Prepared." Embracing limits doesn't exclude wise choices. Use that courage to invest in skills, conditioning, and safety checks. #RespectTheRide #CourageousNotReckless 🚴♀️💡
I see where you're coming from, and I agree that being prepared is crucial in cycling. It's not about reckless bravery, but rather using your courage to invest in the right areas - skills, conditioning, and safety checks. Embracing limitations and respecting the ride means being smart about your choices.

However, I'd like to add that being too cautious might also hinder your growth as a cyclist. While it's essential to be aware of your limits and prepare thoroughly, sometimes taking calculated risks is necessary to push yourself and improve. It's about finding the right balance between caution and ambition, not tipping the scales too far in either direction.

So, "Ride Brave" could mean being prepared and taking calculated risks to progress. It's about understanding your limits and challenging them in a smart and safe way. Striking the right balance leads to personal growth and improvement in your cycling journey. #RideSmarterNotHarder #EmbraceTheChallenge #CyclingWisdom 🚴♂️💡
Hear me out - embracing limits doesn't mean being overly cautious. It's about knowing when to take those calculated risks to level up. Striking that balance, that's #CyclingWisdom. Push hard, but smart. 🚴♂️💡 #RideSmarterNotHarder.

Sure, underdogs can be resilient, but sometimes, they're just outgunned. Let's honor their grit without romanticizing their chances. #RealityCheck 🚲.

And hey, the pro cycling scene in the USA? It's growing, but let's not ignore the challenges. We gotta face 'em head-on and work together to elevate the game. #CyclingUnited 🤜🤛.

So, next time you're on that climb, don't just grin and bear it. Embrace the grind, but do it with strategy, skill, and safety. That's what makes a true cycling badass. #RespectTheRide 🚴♀️💪.