What's going on with bees?


New Member
Aug 6, 2004
Scientists: Cell Phones Could Be Cause of Missing Bees
In science news, more theories are emerging on what is causing the disappearances of bees across the country and in Europe. As much as 70 percent of the commercial bee population on the East Coast have gone missing. The Independent newspaper of London reports that some scientists believe that cell phones might be causing the problem. The theory is that radiation from mobile phones interferes with bees" navigation systems, preventing the famously homeloving species from finding their way back to their hives. A limited study at Landau University has found that bees refuse to return to their hives when mobile phones are placed nearby. The disappearance of the bees could cause massive food shortages because most of the world's crops depend on pollination by bees. Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, "man would have only four years of life left".

Wurm said:
Scientists: Cell Phones Could Be Cause of Missing Bees
In science news, more theories are emerging on what is causing the disappearances of bees across the country and in Europe. As much as 70 percent of the commercial bee population on the East Coast have gone missing. The Independent newspaper of London reports that some scientists believe that cell phones might be causing the problem. The theory is that radiation from mobile phones interferes with bees" navigation systems, preventing the famously homeloving species from finding their way back to their hives. A limited study at Landau University has found that bees refuse to return to their hives when mobile phones are placed nearby. The disappearance of the bees could cause massive food shortages because most of the world's crops depend on pollination by bees. Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, "man would have only four years of life left".

I'm sure it's all a Neo-Con conspiracy.

First of all, bees do not pollinate "most" of the world's crops, that's simply not true.

The "limited" study at Landau was far more limited than this article suggests, and in truth contains virtually no solid data.

From another site:

"60 scientists from around the country met at USDA headquarters in Maryland for a two-day summit on colony collapse disorder.

"Many researchers, including Spivak, widely dismissed a report that cell phone towers and radio waves may be to blame for the bee's disappearance. The theory has percolated throughout the Internet, despite repeated denunciations by bee researchers.

"Scientists who spoke at the conference said a similar problem appeared among bee colonies in the 1960s, according to Kim Kaplan, a USDA spokeswoman. "They were never able to define a cause, and it disappeared," she said."

The primary culprits appear to be the Varroa virus and/or nicotine-based pesticides.

By the way, the European Honey Bee is itself an invasive species in North America. It was brought here 400 years ago, and like the Africanized bees now migrating into North America, it has virtually wiped-out several native species.
I didn't post this as a be-all, end-all answer to the problem. You'll notice that the statement reads, "more theories are emerging" and "some scientists believe that cell phones might be causing the problem." and "A limited study at Landau University has found that bees refuse to return to their hives when mobile phones are placed nearby." I posted this as an opening to discuss the subject, wherein all reasonable theories should be considered.

But since you mention the 'Neo Con conspiracy' meme, let's tell the truth about it: many of the problems in the US (and other parts of the world) right now are in large part due to Neo Con cloak & dagger work that has actually occurred and continues as we speak (read: lies, convenient ommissions, illegal and/or unethical and/or immoral acts...ad infinitum).

Should I go down the list?
Wurm said:
many of the problems in the US (and other parts of the world) right now are in large part due to Neo Con cloak & dagger work that has actually occurred and continues as we speak (read: lies, convenient ommissions, illegal and/or unethical and/or immoral acts...ad infinitum).

Should I go down the list?

That's not necessary wurm. In fact, I completely agree with you about most of those issues. As I've written before, however, I think you tend to erode your credibility by sometimes putting forth theories that have no factual basis whatsoever.

The one portion of your first post in this thread which you didn't highlight in your response was the subject line, which in its construction infers that all, or at least most, scientists agree on this issue. They don't.
Please show a link or evidence wherein I've put forth "theories that have no factual basis whatsoever". :confused:

What in anything I've posted "infers that all, or at least most, scientists agree on this issue"?? The line, "Scientists: Cell Phones Could Be Cause of Missing Bees" only states that they could be the cause, not that it is a scientifically agreed fact.

You can quit with the inaccurate and disingenuous BS now Ike.
Wurm said:
Please show a link or evidence wherein I've put forth "theories that have no factual basis whatsoever".


And you missed my point about your subject line, which you led with "Scientists:" implying that there was at least some consensus among "scientists." There isn't.

I realize you simply lifted the article off a propaganda site, but that doesn't make it any less pandering.
Once again, you're grasping at straws, Ike.

There is plenty of evidence that the official government conspiracy theory is in fact a lie. The fact that several of the US government-alleged "19 hijackers" were still alive in other countries after 9/11 is just one example. I'll not bother to waste repeating the other facts on you.

The plural use of "scientists" doesn't imply "consensus" that the hypothesis is fact. Example:

"Scientist: Cell Phones Could Be Cause Of Missing Bees."


""Scientists: Cell Phones Could Be Cause Of Missing Bees."

It merely states that more than one scientist said that cell phones "could be" the cause of missing bees, which says to me that there IS a consensus among those particular scientists about that particular hypothesis. So your statement, "...which you led with "Scientists:" implying that there was at least some consensus among "scientists." There isn't." is clearly incorrect according to the article.

The only propaganda here is yours.
Wurm said:
There is plenty of evidence that the official government conspiracy theory is in fact a lie.

Evidence of fact? Do you ever read the garbage you shovel out?

That, my friend, is pure propaganda.
"Evidence of fact? Do you ever read the garbage you shovel out?"

Apparently you never read the garbage that you shovel out, as I've proven with your incorrect assertions about the article's title.

"That, my friend, is pure propaganda."

Because George, ****, n' Condi told you it was? The preponderance of evidence says otherwise.
"Evidence of fact." That says it all. You've never proven anything, except that you're gullible.
Here's how it really is, Ike: you've never accepted any of the truth that I or anyone else has posted about your fascist heroes, and there is no amount from any source that would convince you. The reason is because you'd rather stay with your delusions than admit to how bad these animals are.