Why Bicycles Are Better Than Women

Lt J.A. Moss

New Member
Feb 21, 2004
Why Bicycles Are Better Than Women

1. Bicycles don't pregnant.
2. You can ride your bicycle any time of the month.
3. Bicycles don't have parents.
4. Bicycles don't whine unless something is really wrong.
5. You can share your bicycles with your friends.
6. Bicycles don't care how many other bicycles you've ridden.
7. When riding, you and your bicycle can arrive at the same time.
8. Bicycles don't care how many other bicycles you have now.
9. Bicycles don't care if you look at other bicycles.
10. Bicycles don't care if you buy bicycle magazines.
11. You'll never hear, "Suprise, you're goning to own a new bicycle"
unless you go out and buy one yourself.
12. If your bicycle goes flat, you can fix it.
13. If your bicycle is too loose, you can tighten it.
14. If your bicycle gets misaligned, you don't have to discuss
politics with it.
15. You can have a black bicycle and bring it home to your parents.
16. You don't have to be jealous of the guy who works on your bicycle.
17. If you say bad things to your bicycle, you don't have to apologize
before you ride it again.
18. You can ride your bicycle as long as you want and it wont get
19. You can stop riding your bicycle as soon as you want and it wont
get frustrated.
20. Your parents wont remain in touch with your old bicycle after you
dump it.
21. Bicycles don't get headaches.
22. Bicycles don't insult you if you're a bad rider.
23. Your bicyle never wants a night out with other bicycles.
24. Bicycles don't care if you're late.
25. You don't have to take a shower before you ride your bicycle.
26. If your bicycle doesn't look good, you can paint it or get better
27. You can ride your bicycle the first time you meet it without
having to take it to dinner, see a movie, or meet its mother.
28. The only protection you need to wear when riding your bicycle is a
decent helment.
29. When in mixed company, you can talk about what a great ride you
had the last time you were on your bicycle.

However! If you fall asleep while riding a bicycle you can get hurt.
Why Bicycles Are Better Than Women

'cause you can get you leg over the bike - without being fleeced !
Lol! I'm pretty sure that goes both ways. There is some things a man won't get from a bicycle. It's not going to kiss you back or make love. It's not going to hold your hand or say I love you. It's not going to make you dinner or make you feel better when something goes wrong. Like not getting that promotion. Well maybe a bike can make you feel as good as a woman. Lol. I guess there is some kind of comfort in a stiff seat and a cold frame. Maybe you could cover it in fuzzy dice material and put a tape recorder on the side of it so it says nice things to you. Tie a bikini on it and pretend like that guy with the inflatable doll girlfriend.
Some might say in jest a joke like this. But I am pretty sure that there is no replacement for the human touch.
Ha, great posts. You can also ride a bicycle for as long as you want and it never gets tired or worn out. It also never gets a headache. It also doesn't complain and you can finish whenever you're ready and don't need to take care of the bike afterwards! It does require maintenance though!