Youth Bike Advice

Confused dad

New Member
Aug 17, 2015

Apologies for for asking a question that has probably been asked a million times, but I'd love some genuine advice.

My son (13) is wanting to take up triathlon and is looking for a bike. Now, here's my quandary....

I know nothing about equipment - especially bikes (I did a couple of tri's a couple of years back but borrowed bikes). I'm led to believe that kid's tri's aren't generally on roads - more often tracks etc, so is he better buying something that isn't quite as 'road' orientated? Ideally, he'll be able to get something that he can cycle to school on as well - not least because I can't be sure that he'll stick triathlon for a long time. Unfortunately, he's very competetive, so a bad bike will undoubtedly mean he will not be able to compete and will, in turn, result in him possibly losing interest quicker.

Any advice would be thoroughly appreciated - usual criteria apply....good quality, competietive, cheap etc! I say this tongue in cheek, but would love to get an idea of what type of bike would be best that doesn't break the bank but does give him a small chance of being competitive.

