Re: Uni Count



yay, that puts us again at one unicycle past an average of four per
person :)

877/219 = 4.004

so just guessing, the average cost of those 877 unicycles is about 250?
or do all the suns and savages that people learned on bring the average
down to 175? lets call it 200.

$200 x 877 unicycles = $175,400! not bad

Just a fast fact for ya: Bill Gates earns approximately 375 dollars per
second. Assuming he started out with no money, it would take him only 7
minutes and 39 seconds to save enough to buy all those unicycles *new*
(assuming my 200 dollar estimate for the average new unicycle is

another fast fact: $175,400 is approximately 43% of the president's

another point to ponder: with those 175,400 dollars, we could have put
that money together and bought a ferrari to share among the 219 of us.
Each of us could get it for 18 hours of the year.

ok im tired now so ill just stop posting useless information...hehe


tennisgh22 - When will my kh24 come?!?!

The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety
labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
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