Re: Massive Multinational Assault on Alternative Medicines



>Subject: Re: Massive Multinational Assault on Alternative Medicines
>From: Peter Bowditch [email protected]
>Date: 7/15/2003 3:44 AM Central Standard Time
>Message-id: <[email protected]>
>"rb" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Copyright Joe Vialls, 2 May 2003

>For those of you who think that Carole is the epitome of conspiracy
>believers, I give you Joe Vialls.
>Read, and screech with laughter. If Joe says it, it isn't so.
>And Joe doesn't like Jews. I can see why r(ectal) b(alloon) likes
>Joe's rants.

That is entirely uncalled for and you need to get a reality check, you are
showing some very nasty traits, they just keep getting worse. You would do well
to control you hate.
