On Nov 4, 6:08 pm, "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote:

> They absolutely WERE going to block the nomination until Schumer's words
> came back to haunt him. The other committee member who "mysteriously" swung
> Mukasey's way is Diane Feinstein, who all the sudden is practically PRO
> BUSH. (She raved about his performance in CA after the fires, for example,
> when other Dems were desperately hoping for an opportunity to criticize.) I
> say she's playing nice to avoid her hubby getting investigated for
> profiteering off her Defense Appropriations seat; too bad the Senate Repubs
> won't grow a pair.

I don't know what sort of bizarre talk radio alternate universe you
got that from, but in actuality Shumer was in love with the guy from
the beginning. They all were, pleasantly surprised with the nomination
and expressing their barely concealed delight with the nominee. He hit
a snag while the hearing was in process, but he's still going to get

> Hypocrisy, Expedience, and Cowardice: today's US politician (both
> parties)...

'today's US politician?' That seems to be more of a historical fact
that goes back to ancient times.
