People Who Honk


Mar 9, 2015
This is my rant about drivers who honk at cyclist who are just minding their own business, following the rules. Dude! Share the road!!!! Not all of us have the money to pay insurance and gas like you do. You are not accomplishing anything by honking at us except perhaps bring a bit of a hazard yourself.
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I agree theres nothing worse. Im sometimes a very jumpy person so when someone honks at me unexpectly it freaks me out and then Im to scared to keep riding.
Oh yeah dude. Why the hell would you honk at a cyclist? Do you think they're in danger? Short honk will do, no need to disturb anyone.
Honking is a disease of the mind, in my opinion. I pity those who have the habit because they need to seek treatment to cure themselves. It is a compulsive mental disorder and cannot be wished away. Someone who has it will honk all the time, whether there is enough space or not.
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Every time a person sneezes their heart stops for a millisecond. for me,getting honked at is even worse.
Every time a person sneezes their heart stops for a millisecond. for me,getting honked at is even worse.
God, honk happy people are so annoying. When I was learning how to drive, I remember being taught that the only time you should honk your horn is if you're trying to avoid an accident or help someone else avoid an accident. People will honk over the dumbest **** though. They honk at bicyclists, they honk at pedestrians, they honk at cars that have the audacity to yield to bicyclists and pedestrians. I really wish more people would get cited for honking unnecessarily. It scares people and can create enough confusion to make bicyclists, pedestrians, and drivers make mistakes that they wouldn't have otherwise.
It is really rude when people honk at bicyclists for no reason! I have also been flipped off and yelled at. Once we were walking our bikes across a road with our children at a crosswalk on a bike trail and a passing driver yelled at us to quit risking our children's lives on bikes. Huh? They had on helmets and we were on a city bike/walking trail! Some people just don't get it.
Honking is a disease of the mind, in my opinion. I pity those who have the habit because they need to seek treatment to cure themselves. It is a compulsive mental disorder and cannot be wished away. Someone who has it will honk all the time, whether there is enough space or not.

You are being a bit ridiculous. This isn't true of people that use a horn, and people that honk at cyclist aren't suffering from mental illness. They are just rude.
Oh god I hate this. Cyclists are allowed to be on the road too and it's actually a law here that you have to bike on the road and not on footpaths. It annoys me to no end that people think that they own the road simply because they're in a motor-powered vehicle.
God, honk happy people are so annoying. When I was learning how to drive, I remember being taught that the only time you should honk your horn is if you're trying to avoid an accident or help someone else avoid an accident. People will honk over the dumbest **** though. They honk at bicyclists, they honk at pedestrians, they honk at cars that have the audacity to yield to bicyclists and pedestrians. I really wish more people would get cited for honking unnecessarily. It scares people and can create enough confusion to make bicyclists, pedestrians, and drivers make mistakes that they wouldn't have otherwise.

When I took driver's ed in high school, we had those old driving machines with a movie from the 50/60s called simulators (we called them stimulators :)). If you didn't honk at anything that moved, to alert them of your presence, your red light came on and you lost a point! They wanted us to honk at any person, animal, car, etc. It was so annoying!
This is my rant about drivers who honk at cyclist who are just minding their own business, following the rules. Dude! Share the road!!!! Not all of us have the money to pay insurance and gas like you do. You are not accomplishing anything by honking at us except perhaps bring a bit of a hazard yourself.
Man, this is my biggest pet peeve. I live in China, and they honk for everything. Honk while they park their car, honk while they are driving through the red lights, honk while they are stuck in a little traffic, honk at each other for blocking the way instead of moving, honk while turning, honk while texting their friends and even cars that are parked honk because the owners are sleeping on the steering wheel. I have resorted to glaring stares every time someone honks at me unnecessarily.
Man, this is my biggest pet peeve. I live in China, and they honk for everything. Honk while they park their car, honk while they are driving through the red lights, honk while they are stuck in a little traffic, honk at each other for blocking the way instead of moving, honk while turning, honk while texting their friends and even cars that are parked honk because the owners are sleeping on the steering wheel. I have resorted to glaring stares every time someone honks at me unnecessarily.

They are largely unknown or just ignored, but in the United States most states have laws against that kind of rubbish. Laws that restrict horn use to what the horn is actually for, emergency situations where you need a driver or pedestrian or cyclist to pay attention. People still abuse the use of horns, but not nearly to the level of what you have described for China. That must drive you crazy!
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They are largely unknown or just ignored, but in the United States most states have laws against that kind of rubbish. Laws that restrict horn use to what the horn is actually for, emergency situations where you need a driver or pedestrian or cyclist to pay attention. People still abuse the use of horns, but not nearly to the level of what you have described for China. That must drive you crazy!
Yes, it does. I nearly have a panic attack every morning just going to school. I never know if it is an important honk or an "obligatory" honk. They have various no honking signs everywhere, but like you said, people just ignore them sadly.
I hate when they do it for no reason. Especially those cars with those loud horns. I feel it's going to cause a major unnecessary accident one day.
I hate when people honk. I get started easy and it always scares the **** out of me. They should learn to have some respect They just do it to be a jerk or either people who want to try and flirt which is a terrible way to flirt I think.
In India, it's a different story altogether. The poor and the labour class generally use cycles and they have little regard for traffic rules. Their recklessness cause accidents too and when that happens, they will ask for money even if they aren't hurt.
Ugh! I hate honkers.... if they're hiking for no reason, that is. I've noticed some people riding bikes aren't very cautious on the road either and sometimes they need to be honked at.

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