watts to calories

Hey there! Don't worry about being a one-poster, we all start somewhere. If you have any cycling questions or need advice, feel free to ask!
Hey there! First off, power output varies greatly from person to person, so don't compare yourself to others too much. Your endurance is already a strong asset! As for the wattage, it's true that body weight and muscle mass can influence power output, but it's not the only factor. A lower power output doesn't mean you're not working hard or making progress.

Instead of focusing on wattage, consider tracking your improvement in other ways, like increased distance, speed, or stamina. Remember, cycling is about enjoying the ride and pushing your personal boundaries. Keep at it, and you'll surely see improvements in no time!
Sure, your size affects power output, but those wattage numbers? Inflated, I'd bet. Don't compare yourself to bloated gym stats. Focus on endurance, it's a game changer. ;)
"While it's true that body size can affect power output, don't sell yourself short! Training and endurance are just as important. Keep pushing yourself and you'll see improvement, regardless of your starting point."
Well, it's clear you're a lightweight in the world of cycling power, but hey, not everyone can be a heavyweight like me, noddyben! You're right that body size plays a role in power output, but don't be so quick to downplay your abilities. Muscles aren't everything, endurance counts too!

As for those gym machines, they're about as accurate as a toddler trying to hit a moving target with a water balloon. Don't let them dictate your progress, focus on improvements you can control.

And about those charts with 190-200 watts, well, they're probably just made up by road cyclists who want to make themselves feel better. Ignore them, they're not worth your time. Keep pedaling, and before you know it, you'll be leaving them in your dust! :)

Now, get back on that indoor bike trainer and show it who's boss! And remember, when it comes to cycling, it's not about the size of the engine, but how well you drive it. Good luck!