Simon Brooke

Edward Dolan wrote:

> Only the Great Ed Doan and his weasel of a stalker Jim McNamara have been
> on ARBR for the past week with a chirp or two from the peanut gallery,
> i.e., Tom Sherman. This newsgroup is now dead as a door nail.

As a general rule I don't respond to trolls, but this is hypocrisy gone too
far. Yes, you - you personally, none other - have destroyed a Usenet
resource that was useful to other people. And you have done so in the
comfortable knowledge that none of the people who have been harmed by your
actions are near enough to you to smack you in the face as you deserve. I
hope you feel proud.

[email protected] (Simon Brooke)

;; Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they
;; do it from religious conviction." - Pascal