A lengthy "Hello" from a...n00b? Overused word?


New Member
Jun 17, 2007
Well, recently one of my friends came into town from the university he attends, and he had been getting into road biking at college all summer. See, he is fairly obsessed. It's pretty much all he ever talks about.
Well, I have always listened to him yak on and on about different bikes and riders and crazy "Energy Shots"...some little packaged goo that apparently has mad calories or something like that...and just kinda nodded and smiled.

Well first, a little backstory to my backstory. When I was nine, my mom passed away after a long, hard struggle with cancer. That summer, my dad took my sister and I on many lengthy bike rides in order to "train" for the ultimate ride we took: a 38-mile ride from my town to a...erm...neighboring town. Shut up, it's Kentucky...38 miles is "neighboring"! Well, as my friend continued to talk on and on about all this craziness, I was reminded of how much I loved that summer. Being fit. Striving to ride further and further every day. The exhiliration of arriving at our destination. Plus, I was so hungry that I seriously ate like a whole pizza. But I digress. Even though that was a full ten years ago, I can still remember the thrill I felt when we rode down this one specific hill, going something like 30 mph. I know that isn't really fast, but it sure is when you are 9!

Well, as the years went by and I became more video-game prone, I began to ride my bike less and less. The one thing I can say for myself is that I picked up weightlifting, and I have always done a decent amount of cardio exercise. But since my friend has come home, I have gone for a few rides, and I really remember how much I loved cycling.

First, I have a question: If I want to become a cyclist, does this spell the end of my weightlifting? I hear that you can't really be "built" and "cut" while at the same time being "lean" and "fit" looking. Can weightlifting and cycling happily coexist?
Second, I look forward to being a part of this community and learning more about cycling. I find, as with most things, that as you get older it gets a little more complex but a lot more fun.
Thanks, and peace!
I suppose it depends on whether or not you want to race and be competitive or not, or just cycle as recreation. If you're not trying to compete with anyone but yourself, and you can maintain the diet to get enough calories to build lots of muscle mass and ride a lot, then why can't the two coexist?

Cycling is fun...it sounds like you're doing it for the enjoyment more than to be in competition, so keep lifting and keep biking and see what happens!
Are you worried about appearance or performance? You can really be "built", "cut", "lean", and "fit" all at the same time. You won't have a massive body but you can still look good and also be able to perform well as long as you train well. You don't have to be built like a jockey to perform well on a bike(shouldn't have said that, you should see some of those guys without a jersey).
1. Welcome back to the fold!
2. Just start riding again!

Once you have begun riding again on a regular basis, you will then be able to form a better opinion of what you want to ' get out of ' your cycling - as one of the other posters said - fitness? racing?

And above all, have fun!
There's usually a cycling/weightlifting thread somewhere on this forum.
The consensus of opinion is that if you're racing you don't want to be carrying a lot of heavy, metabolically active upper-body muscle.
However, upper-body strength is useful for sprinters and weightlifting can help here.
Alrighty. Well, I think I understand a little bit more about all of it. I really just want to cycle for fitness purposes, but getting a little competitive would be alright with me. Mainly, I just can't decide if I care more about lifting or cycling. I will give it a while and decide.
Thanks for the tips! I am gonna start reading about different cycles and stuff...I have already begun to read a little bit more technical info about them.