A question on muscle aches and statins

Harvest Mu_n <[email protected]> wrote in part:

>On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 22:33:31 GMT, Jim Chinnis
><[email protected]> wrote:
>>>He needs a firm diagnosis not Usenet opinion that "If it feels fine,
>>>I'd start with a full set of gradual strengthening exercises." This
>>>is bad advice.

>>It's always better to see a physician after an injury to the cuff. But that
>>can't be done here.

>Nowhere did I read that Pete couldn't, wouldn't or shouldn't go to an

By "here," I meant in this newsgroup.

>>I think we agree whether you think so or not.

>I don't think so.

Ah, we agree on that, too.

>Lift well, Eat less, Walk fast, Live long.

Well, improve your chances, anyway. Luck and genes play a big role, too.
Jim Chinnis Warrenton, Virginia, USA