Accident prone pro-helmet sock puppets

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Dave Kahn

The series of anonymous pro-helmet postings via cyclingforums here and in has got
me wondering just why they're bothering. The obvious thought is that it is a pro-compulsion pressure
group who think they can influence cyclists' opinions. I certainly wouldn't put it past BHIT to use
these kinds of tactics, but I would expect them to do it a bit more skillfully. The postings are so
clumsy and obvious that I'm almost inclined to think they're from a small anti-compulsion group
trying to discredit the other side. It's not as if they don't know they've been detected. Looking at
the style of the postings they don't seem to originate from more than 2 or 3 people.

> The series of anonymous pro-helmet postings via cyclingforums here and in has
> got me wondering just why they're bothering. The obvious thought is that it is a pro-compulsion
> pressure group who think they can influence cyclists' opinions. I certainly wouldn't put it past
> BHIT to use these kinds of tactics, but I would expect them to do it a bit more skillfully. The
> postings are so clumsy and obvious that I'm almost inclined to think they're from a small
> anti-compulsion group trying to discredit the other side. It's not as if they don't know they've
> been detected. Looking at the style of the postings they don't seem to originate from more than 2
> or 3 people.

BHIT probably don't have a person in the office that has the knowledge to disguise it well. The very
fact that it is done badly would suggest it is BHIT. If th figures they are quoting (and giving to
gullible MPs) are that shoddy, there's no reason to think their espionage is any better.
Dave Kahn wrote:
> The series of anonymous pro-helmet postings via cyclingforums here and in has
> got me wondering just why they're bothering. The obvious thought is that it is a pro-compulsion
> pressure group who think they can influence cyclists' opinions. I certainly wouldn't put it past
> BHIT to use these kinds of tactics, but I would expect them to do it a bit more skillfully. The
> postings are so clumsy and obvious that I'm almost inclined to think they're from a small
> anti-compulsion group trying to discredit the other side. It's not as if they don't know they've
> been detected. Looking at the style of the postings they don't seem to originate from more than 2
> or 3 people.

No, I think it's simpler than that. People really _are_ that stupid. It's a depressing conclusion to
reach, but plenty of evidence stacks up that way...

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