Another Serious Mountain Biking Accident

On Jun 25, 11:50 am, Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 19:41:37 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
> >On Jun 10, 11:38 am, Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> On Sun, 10 Jun 2007 14:51:05 GMT, "JP" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> >Vandeman. another of society's losers.

> >> I'm just warning you.

> >What a ridiculous lie. You've shown your hand far too many times to
> >fool anyone, you just can't get along with others and have arbitrarily
> >decided to troll against a group of people who don't care about you
> >idea of pristine wilderness untouched by man.

> >>Obviously, I care more for your safety than YOU
> >> do.

> >Obviously you have no agenda except to try to find excuses to judge
> >others, which is sad because it obviously isn't helping you deal with
> >emptional issues. Would I be wrong in thinking you probably had an
> >overly dominating mother who abused you? That's typically the history
> >of someone who continually pursues such random ideals without any
> >grasp of how piddly and fleeting their goal really is. Cycling has
> >almost no effect whatsoever on wildlife, relative to most human
> >activites. Maybe you're just afraid of people and don't want cyclists
> >in the woods with you? Maybe the wildlife is afraid of you, too.

> >>Mountain bikers can't STAND having the truth about their selfish,
> >> destructive sport told.

> >Actually mountain biking is far less destructive than most hobbies.
> >What are you doing RIGHT NOW? Using a computer, whose predecessors
> >are leaching lead into the ground, components made in factories
> >polluting the air, as well as electric companies doing the same, all
> >because you "think" you're looking smart on usenet (but aren't) in
> >some bizarre form of mental masterbation.

> >Now contrast the mountain biker. What a terrible thing to have a
> >blade of grass bent over or a dirt path. Let's not consider that
> >animals do that, as well as nature itself changing the landscape
> >continually for millions of years. Obviously we should stop biking
> >and using cars, at which point we'll all be hiking through the
> >wilderness which will (get ready for it), pose a similar impact once
> >the majority of the population is doing it.

> >> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
> >> humans ("pure habitat").

> >Great, if it's your personal property you can do with it as you like.
> >However, since you feel it's ok to pollute the forum, by a similar
> >token you should post the address of this habitat so we can pollute
> >it.

> Your email address says it all....

Yep, it's not an email address at all though, it's known as an easy-
out. Give people a way to ignore the topic, a distraction when they'd
othewise just try to defend a losing position, or did you really think
that's my email address (especially considering the defunct state of

What's the address of this habitat? If it's really worth the bother
I'm sure we'd all like to enjoy it. If it'll make you feel better
I'll put slicks on the bike and a horn to warn you to get out of the
On Jun 10, 11:32 pm, Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote:
> Unlike you, "Somerville was an experienced mountain bike". He needed
> to be carried out on a litter. That's serious, in spite of your macho
> posturing.

Just tell us this:

Are you really so shallow that you think we don't see through your
biased nonsense? We could as easily say anything in life has some
small inherant risk factor. If you're going to be "Mr. Safety" then
let's kill all the animals that pose a slight risk to humans. I don't
mean everywhere, just in your little habitat, Mr. Safety.

I formerly was a dog owner for many years, and understand how
wonderful it is to walk a dog off-leash and that many dogs are very
well-trained. However, on my bicycle, as I approach you, I have no
idea what your dog might do. Even the best-trained dogs can be
unpredictable, especially when they encounter other dogs or something
squeaks in the brush.

I was chased on my bicycle by unleashed dogs last summer and barely
missed being bitten. I was lucky not to have had an accident then or
at other times when dogs have run in front of my bicycle. I do know
of people who have had accidents in the past due to dogs running
unexpectedly in front of them, with severe injuries like broken
collarbones. Wally Morgus, the Director of Blaine County Rec was
bitten on his bicycle on the path last summer. I have been an avid
supporter and user of the bike path since its inception, since Mary
Austin Crofts liked to walk with her dogs un-leashed. But times have
changed. It is time to require that all dogs must be leashed to use
the bike pat

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