Armstrong vs LeMond

Jan rides several races a year including GFs. Except for his embarrassing motor vehicle/DUI exploits he maintains a low profile and stays below the radar therefore garners less resistance.
As far as Armstrong I think "The My Fault For Getting Caught Fondo" has a much better ring.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
USADA and USAC tossed Lancer off George's Gran Fondue set for this weekend.


Maybe Lance can pull a Ricco and his way onto the course.

Johnny T-L rode a Fondue event in England last weekend. Maybe he can tweet some helpful hints to the seven time Tour de France Champion of the World to help him gain entry. And Levi can certainly assist Lance with organizing his very own post-dope fondue. Lance could name it, "The Road Goes On Forever And The Crucifixion Never Ends".
the Pirate doesnt ride anymore brah.
Quote by JH:
" Except for his embarrassing motor vehicle/DUI exploits he maintains a low profile and stays below the radar therefore garners less resistance."

Erm...looks like significant resistance to me!

"GENEVA (AFP) — Germany’s only Tour de France winner Jan Ullrich was allegedly almost three times over the drunk-driving limit when he crashed his car and injured two people in Switzerland, a newspaper reported Wednesday." just a little buzzed.

"The retired star, who last year admitted to doping, initially told the tabloid Blick that alcohol was not involved in the accident but he later came out with a statement apologising for getting behind the wheel drunk."

Sound anything like the doping apologies of the various cyclists (including Jan)?

“Driving under the influence of alcohol is inexcusable. It’s a huge mistake, and I deeply regret it,” Ullrich, who lives in Switzerland, wrote on his website."

Yeah. That reads just like the usual doping apology.

With Jan and Boonen at the wheel, cats may be safe, but cyclists are in peril! As are Ferrari's and the sheet metal of small Yuropean cars. Thank God he parked his Audi wagon in the back of a Citroen! Yes, the Churmans are still porking the French in the ****!

We now return to our movie, in progress: "The Crucifixion of Armstrong" which will be followed by the live coverage of Lemond being elevated to sainthood.
It is amazing that Armstrong was able to win 7 tours dragging himself and a 1000 pound ego up the Alps.