Arthritis Of The Hip?


New Member
Oct 18, 2003
I'm checking to see if bicyclist out there has been diagnosised with and arthritic hip. Some time back on a training ride I pulled my hip flexor really bad. After several weeks I went to see my family doctor who comfirmed it was strain and to do the usual rest, ice, advil treatment. Things didn't get any better after several weeks and he sent to an orthopaedic doctor who x-rayed the joint and said I had a bone spur and the beginings of artlhritis. The orthopaedic doctor sent me to a phyiscal therpist but this it only seem to make it worse. My family doctor saw the x-rays and he couldn't see the bone spur and said my joint didn't look that bad. I had an MRI done which came back unremarkable. The treatments the doctor has me on is advil when needed and the supplement Glucosimine and Chrondriton. Resently my lower back had started to act up too. Does anyone out have any suggestion? Has anyone had these types of problem? Any help will be greatly appricated. Thanks
I had a sports medicine doctor quickly show me x-rays that sound similar to yours. She told me to cool it with the running. I ran distance competitively in college but my hip has hurt since high school. My older friend had the same thing but now bikes without pain. Same here even though I'm still a bit of a running junky. The cycling is much better. Work on your flexibility in your quads, hip flexors, hamstrings, and lower back. Try one enteric aspirin before cycling to nip inflamation in the bud. A physical therapist told me all about her patients that don't back off and are messed up when they get older.
I have similar issues. If you would like to discuss you can email me at [email protected]. Everything you mentioned sounds like what I am going through. bone Spurr, and oseoarthritits of hip
Dull pain going down the hamstring really bothers me when driving. I don't know if it is arthritis of the hip, or what it is. Waiting on an MRI - or course the doctor says lay off the bike so now it has been 6 weeks and still bothering me...

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