Artificial sun headlights: anyone using them?

Mister C

New Member
Dec 22, 2004
Bike headlights seem pretty wimpy to me particularly for fast night riding and for being seen by cars. I ran across some extremely bright spotlights while shopping the other day. By bright, I mean something with millions of candle power and akin to an artificial sun. See links below for a couple of samples.

Yes, they are heavy and mainly used for spotting deer but I see no reason they could not be strapped onto a bike for some super duper lighting.

Not only could you light up an entire forest surrounding your trail but you would sure to be seen by cars. I would bet that most drivers would assume that you are another car with something this bright and steer clear entirely.

I was wondering if anyone has tried such a thing. Comments invited.
Mister C said:
Bike headlights seem pretty wimpy to me particularly for fast night riding and for being seen by cars. I ran across some extremely bright spotlights while shopping the other day. By bright, I mean something with millions of candle power and akin to an artificial sun. See links below for a couple of samples.

Yes, they are heavy and mainly used for spotting deer but I see no reason they could not be strapped onto a bike for some super duper lighting.

Not only could you light up an entire forest surrounding your trail but you would sure to be seen by cars. I would bet that most drivers would assume that you are another car with something this bright and steer clear entirely.

I was wondering if anyone has tried such a thing. Comments invited.
That's a powerful light alright but how would you mount it to a bike anyway?

For me I just carry one of those whimpy lights you mentioned which works fine for the limited amount of night riding I do. I suppose if I were to ride more in the night I would consider buying a HID lights. A couple of people in my club use them and they work great. Looks just like a motorcycling coming at you and it provides plenty of light when traveling @ 20mph.
BanditManDan said:
That's a powerful light alright but how would you mount it to a bike anyway?

For me I just carry one of those whimpy lights you mentioned which works fine for the limited amount of night riding I do. I suppose if I were to ride more in the night I would consider buying a HID lights. A couple of people in my club use them and they work great. Looks just like a motorcycling coming at you and it provides plenty of light when traveling @ 20mph.

Mounting would be a little tricky but with a homemade bracket I think it would be doable. A friend of mine has a machine shop that I could use to make it.

I have seen the HID lights in stores but not on the trail so I have a difficult time judging how effective they really are. Thanks for your perspective on how well they work. Looking like a motorcycle coming at you is just what I had in mind. They are a bit pricey though and don't seem to offer the same light bang for the buck. Hmmmmmm.