ASD Annual PsiberDreaming Conference - online



Announcing ASD's Second Online PsiberDreaming Conference, September 21, 2003 -
October 5, 2003.

For two weeks participants worldwide will enjoy online experiments, psiber
games with prizes, chats, and discussions on paranormal dreaming with
celebrated psi-dreaming experts at this inexpensive event. Presentations
include papers and workshops on popular and cutting edge topics, such as:
remote viewing, precognition, dream telepathy, mutual dreaming, psychopompic
dreams, lucid dreaming, visionary dreaming, prodromal dreams, dream healing,
the nature of dream reality, and dreaming as a spiritual practice. Last years
conference brought in rave reviews:

"Bravo!", "Incredible!", "a wonderful experience," "amazing!", "topnotch", "I
am really thrilled," "great conference," "please, please do this frequently,"
"I don't know how many accolades I can give you, too many to count, I believe.
The conference was simply great!! Good presenters, topics, participants, and
great energy."

If you missed the first, make sure you attend the second! For more information
go to: