Audax Ride in very cold weather.

Quote by JH:
"Don't be dowin my fellow statesman's Al Bore."

He not only invented the windmill powered internet. He supplied the hot air.

Throughout this cold snap we've only had about 2" of the white stuff over the last 4 days of below-freezing temps. But, the snow guns will be running full blast.

Let's check on the slope-cam!'s slope conditions...

Today's snow conditions Boston Mills/Brandywine Ski Resort: Open
Snow Machine made
Open trails 3/7
Open lifts 4/8
Base 24"
10°F Snow depth  NW 10 mph
Summit 24"
9°F Snow depth  SW 8 mph
Recent snowfall 2"

72 hrs 2"

48 hrs 2"

24 hrs
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
The fat, lazy kind that just wander onto the farm and decide life's good here.

Is there any other kind?
But seriously the Laperm ones have some serious insight-like look on their eyes.

"Too Persian!"

Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
The French will gear up and kick some ass.

Le French talk a bit... But...

"Faceman: General Turgidson, with all due respect for your defense team, my boys can brush 'em aside without too much trouble."

The Audax ride happened... Looking at the pictures it doesn't seem like I missed much lol.

There were also some comments like:

"Yeah, I was going on the snow, not the ice! But I slipped even without braking!"

Oh man how much fun that looks to be.

Quote by JH: "Don't be dowin my fellow statesman's Al Bore." He not only invented the windmill powered internet. He supplied the hot air. Throughout this cold snap we've only had about 2" of the white stuff over the last 4 days of below-freezing temps. But, the snow guns will be running full blast. Let's check on the slope-cam!'s slope conditions... Today's snow conditions Boston Mills/Brandywine Ski Resort: [COLOR=009933]Open[/COLOR] Snow Machine made Open trails 3/7 Open lifts 4/8 Base
Snow depthNW 10 mph
Snow depthSW 8 mph
  Recent snowfall       2"  
72 hrs 2"  
48 hrs 2"  
24 hrs  
Quote by JH: "Don't be dowin my fellow statesman's Al Bore." He not only invented the windmill powered internet. He supplied the hot air. Throughout this cold snap we've only had about 2" of the white stuff over the last 4 days of below-freezing temps. But, the snow guns will be running full blast. Let's check on the slope-cam!'s slope conditions... Today's snow conditions Boston Mills/Brandywine Ski Resort: [COLOR=009933]Open[/COLOR] Snow Machine made Open trails 3/7 Open lifts 4/8 Base
Snow depthNW 10 mph
Snow depthSW 8 mph
  Recent snowfall       2"  
72 hrs 2"  
48 hrs 2"  
24 hrs  
About the same here but plenty of machine made snow for decent conditions.
After a mild day right around the freezing mark we get...freezing rain tonight with about .1" of ice buildup...followed by 1" of snow overnight and another 1" tomorrow., not much for outdoor cycling!

I got invited by one of the kids I train with to go up to Ray's Indoor MTB. Park. I passed due to not wanting to be the "Lucky 100th Ambulance Run at Ray's" award winner, but one of these cold weekends I'm going to pack a couple pistols (neighborhoods & do they work?) and go up there and see how many contusions, abrasions and lacerations I can accumulate in three hours.

Check out Ray''s an awesome concept...or so I'm told.


Ray and crew have added a bunch of additional track since that vid was made. There's more pics and video at Ray's website.

To me it looks a lot like a good advert for the Cleveland Clinic's Orthopedic Surgeons...
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
Ray's looks a lot safer and a LOT warmer.

It looks a bit like a Vivarium...
But yeah, it's probably safer.
It also probably has beer, maybe music too?

Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB

Ray's looks a lot safer and a LOT warmer.
That appears to be just a dusting of snow, not really a traction problem for tires with any sort of knobbiness. Slush or packed down snow is more problematic.
Originally Posted by maydog
That appears to be just a dusting of snow, not really a traction problem for tires with any sort of knobbiness. Slush or packed down snow is more problematic.

That snow is about 1000m high.
There's probably another few mm of ice beneath it.
Originally Posted by jhuskey

Never let it be said that Bob suffered from knobbiness


"Say hello to my little friend"!

Suomi is the new Nokian!
(From ERTRO 622 - 32 and up!)

"Check out my ***** - jacket!"

Suomi Tyres:

If it ain't slick, it ain't quick!

Weird...just last night we were running bolts through ATV tires for snow fun.

I was cruising The Scene Magazine website and found an urban hipster partying the night away in a Ray's MTB hoodie.

White dude dances like a white dude.

Maybe when Ray builds an indoor velodrome I'll hit the boards for a few laps.

The outdoor track at Slavic Village is iced over and currently rated for fat tire track bikes only...they're probably a couple years away from building the proposed dome over the track.

Hey! Cross in the field next to the track! Knobheads unite!
If you're used to cold weather, then I don't see why not! But riding in cold weather will eventually come up in your career, so you might as well get used to it now. I suggest wearing some leggings, and over that a thin pair of shorts. Layers are your friend during the winter, and I cannot stress that enough! Good Luck!