Audax/Sportif Fred Whitton


Arthur Clune

For those who fancy a challenge, there's a new website up about
the Fred Whitton Challenge:

New for this year is the start system:

"For the 2005 event, riders times will be calculated with the aid of
a tagging system. Riders will be able to start individually from 6.30
- 8.00 am. There will still be two group starts at 8am and 9 am. But
only riders with an existing time of under 9 hours will be able to
start after 8 am."

113 miles in the Lakes. It's fun :) I'll be doing it - anyone else
interested. I think I'll try starting with the 9am group this year.


Arthur Clune PGP/GPG Key:
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness