

Kim Morris


The Barbagiuan are large raviolis of about 1.5" x 1.5" that
are fried like Beignets. In order to reduce the fat amount
of this recipe, I prefer to bake them in the oven with a
drizzle of peanut oil. In the language of Monaco, Barbagiuan
means Uncle John. There is a "Nicoise" version of the
Barbagiuan that are made from red pumpkins; the purist
version in Monaco uses only Swiss Chard leaves.


2 lb rising flour
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp salt water

Dough preparation: Make a ball and roll it out in a


Swiss Chard leaves 2 or 3 large onions olive oil cooked ham
parsley parmesan salt and pepper eggs

Stuffing preparation: Boil the Swiss Chard leaves. Chop and
drain. Finely chop 2 or 3 large onions and cook them lightly
in olive oil. Depending on the amount of vegetables, add a
few slices of cooked ham cut in small pieces without
forgetting that the vegetables must dominate the stuffing.
Add some finely chopped parsley and grated parmesan (to
taste) to the leaves, ham and onion mixture. Season with
salt and pepper and add whole eggs until the stuffing is
unctuous but not liquid. A minimum of 2 eggs is advised.

Prepare the raviolis that can be round or rectangular, fry
them in a frying pot, and serve hot or at room temperature.
As I indicated above, I prefer to bake them in the oven with
a drizzle of peanut oil, which allows them to be eaten cold
as well as warmed up in the microwave the next day

Source: Patricia Grimaud Palmero ([email protected]),
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