Bike Buying for Fat Girl

I'd look for a solid workout plan, that will help. Before I started cycling, I had some issues with weight, too. I started eating right and took Actigin.
Beef and Salad alone is a really bad idea, especially whilst exercising as you will feel very tired very quickly. You will definitely require Carbs. Just the right ones. ( Oats, Brown rice, sweet potato etc. ) As a previous poster has mentioned it can be as simple as eating less then your required intake and you will lose weight. However eating the right foods will ensure you lose fat and not break down as much musle in the process. Meats like fish, chicken breasts and lean beef are great, salads you can eat all day. Good to eat fruit but preferably in the moring as they are full of sugars. You will also need fats but good fats....nuts, avocado etc. I know quite a few heavier riders and there are many bike manufacturers that will have something to suit. The trick is not to do too much to quickly as you will get sore and it does turn alot of people off.
Originally Posted by Scotttri

Beef and Salad alone is a really bad idea, especially whilst exercising as you will feel very tired very quickly.

Never said it was a good idea.
But they are just 300cal and they fill you up. But you feel indeed very bad later.

Becoming 120kg heavy is a bad idea too.