Bleeding know....

Energy Dome

New Member
Jun 21, 2010
NOTE: the following may be disgusting, but we gotta do it, so....

Alright, what is happening now is that i am bleeding from "that" (rear) area when i go to the bathroom.

1) This only happens whenever i get into a vigorous/involved exercise "program." Like, right now, if you've seen my other post you'll know that i just started commuting to work 22.5 miles roundtrip at least 3X per week.

2) There is never any pain whenever this happens.

3) The last time was when i was jogging/walking 5 miles daily, except here my underwear would have some blood stains on them. So, in this case the blood was coming out without me going to the bathroom.

4) If i stop excercising or do something apparently less "vigorous"/involved, i.e., softball then the bleeding stops.

Have you ever heard of something like this? Again, there is no pain whatsoever and if it weren't for visual verification i would not know that this was happening.
You need to see a doctor. Is the bleeding bright red or dark red? is the blood in the stew? err I mean stool. If it's bright red either in water of the bowl or on the stool then you have hemorrhoids, if it's dark red close to black then it's something more serious. Either way you need to see a doctor; it's probably bright red and thats why you noticed it. Some hemorrhoids are external on the opening of the anus and others are internal. Both of which can be taken care of but requires the help of a doctor. Don't try home remedies or over the counter remedies without seeing a doctor.

Please see this for more info: hemorrhoids - Bing Health

You will have to increase your fiber intake, and you can do this with psyllium husk fiber found in Fibercon or the Walmart brand Equate Fiber Therapy. This stuff is a bulk forming laxative which helps soften your stool so you don't push as hard to excrete your stools, and makes you more regular. Psyllium husk is the best of the two different types because only psyllium will also help lower cholesterol.
1) bright red

2) some of it is in the stool, some in the water and some when i wipe.

Ok, maybe it's hemmoroids, but why would this only happen when i do long exercise type things---jogging, biking etc.?

p.s. 3) i don't think/feel i'm pushing too hard, but then again i haven't really paid much attention to that; i'm pretty quick in the bathroom. Maybe 1-2 minutes tops.

4) What type of doctor should i see?
You have hemorrhoids, pure and simple; now go see a doctor. If you let these things go to long sometimes they will bleed and not stop!! So go to a doctor and get it fixed. There are a couple of types of doctors you can see, a hemorrhoid doctor is called proctologist, or you can see a doctor who specializes in colonoscopy. Depending on your med insurance they may require you see your regular doctor first then get referred.

By the way, you will live through this, I did.
Edit of above post:

There are some natural things you need to start on, IN ADDITION TO SEEING THE DOCTOR; these things can help prevent but not heal what you already have.

Do the fiber thing I mentioned in an earlier post.

You need to drink more water, to the tune of about 64 ounces.

STAY OFF THE BIKE until the doctor gives you the ok to be on it.

Establish a routine, ie a particular constant time of day, for bowel movement to occur. When doing this don't strain and do not sit for more then 5 minutes; if nothing happens repeat same time the next day.

Consume bioflavonoids, they naturally occur in citrus fruits, so adding orange, grapefruit, lemon or lime to your diet can be quite beneficial.

There are some herbs that supposedly help, but I'm a bit of a skeptic when it comes to that kind of thing so I don't any herbs.
One rather remote possibility, but you don't change your eating habits to include anything with a strong red color when you're working out, do you? My wife once made a devil's food cake that caused me something of a panic.
1) i'm going to see a physician, because i'm getting scared, as soon as i can find one----haven't seen a doctor since i was 19 or so. So, i don't actually "have" a doctor right now. Probably not a smart way to live. (i am insured though)

2) Would more popcorn help as far as fiber?

3) As far as changing diet to something w/ a strong red color-----no, not that i know of. However, i DO know that drinking alot of blue gatorade will do something else...............

4) Also, again i will be visiting the doc A.S.A.P., but in the meantime here are some links just to show everyone (and myself) i'm not crazy:

WikiAnswers - What causes anal bleeding after exercise

What Can Cause Rectal Bleeding During Exercise? |

Gastrointestinal bleeding in endurance runners | AMAA Journal | Find Articles at BNET

Running Times Magazine: Ask the Coaches: Rectal Bleeding
First thing, don't be scared, this sort of thing is common and is easily remedied, but very uncomfortable with some degree of pain while being worked on.

Do not eat popcorn or nuts, the shells from the popcorn and the nuts do not fully digest and irritate the anus opening so that it will only bleed more. You want fiber eat fruits and veggies and take that supplement I told you about in an earlier post.

Believe me, what your seeing is not food coloring, it's blood.

Stay off the bike till this is resolved and the doctor ok's riding, because the seat will irritate it more.

To be safe have a colonoscopy done at the same time as the rectal exam but only if the doctor recommends it.
Froze said:
Stay off the bike till this is resolved and the doctor ok's riding, because the seat will irritate it more.

Maybe you could check with the Bumper Dumper folks about making a bicycle version to help with that ;)
By the way, there are a lot of "scary" web sites that can do a lot towards injecting fear into people when it comes to medical stuff. But Energy Dome, your condition as you explained it, makes me 95% confident you have hemorrhoids and not some sort of cancer, because you have the same conditions I had. But obviously your doing the right thing to go see a doctor regardless if it's hemorrhoids or something else because you need to get whatever it is resolved. No medical web site or yahoos on a bicycle forum can diagnose you with 100% certainty; our job here, if we're wise, is try to primarily get you to see a doctor and then try to give you ideas what it might be so you have more questions to ask a doctor.

Energy Dome, let us know how things went because as a forum member your part of a community, and at least most of us are concerned about you, and some of us will even pray for your well being.
Sounds like hemi's. Otherwise referred to as a$$knuckles....

We all have them...12 on the inside, 12 on the outside.

See a doctor and keep the fiber in your diet...flax seed on the salad or cereal, lots of fruits, and stay hydrated.

The colon uses a lot of water to excrete waste. If you're dehydrated things move more slowly.

Leave the diagnosis for a medical professional...webmd and the like will have you planning your own funeral. The copay is less of a worry/hassel!