BOB Stroller (Pram - so slightly OT)



I know its OT but I'm sure that fellow-cycling-parents will
appreciate this...

We just bought a "jogging stroller" made by BOB, as in BOB
trailers, and its a fantastic piece of kit which I want to
highly recommend. The thing that stands out is how its built
to 'bike quality', instead of the 'pram quality' that you
get on eg. "Mamas and Papas" or Mothercare stuff The
suspension is great. It has big spoked wheels. The welding
is nice. The wheels are Q/R. We got a black one and it looks
very smart. The basket is a good size and doesn't droop. The
latest model of buggy-board* fits (the old model doesn't).
If you're into walking decent distances then this is just
the job (I wouldn't recommend it if it was just for going
around the shops / aisles as it is quite long. Also it
doesn't recline far so baby must be able to support its head
IMO.). The raincover, which is an extra item is well worth
it. Its much more than the usual seam-welded bubble. With
the exchange rate as it was the same price as we would have
paid here for cheap jogger-looky-likeys, eg. by "Jane"

You can see them at select
Strollers, then SUS D'Lux.

We bought ours from which
is an excellent website and gave good service. But here's a
catch: They don't ship to the UK, so you have to find a way
around that.

Apparently these are not legal to sell in the UK because UK
law requires 2 separate mechanisms to stop/lock a buggy from
folding. This only has one, which is okay for the US and the
rest of the world, and us.

Regards, Dz

Other Info: I priced up postage US=>UK using the US postal
website and I reckoned it would be $85 Air, $50 surface.

I did find a place in Canada that would ship to the UK but have no knowledge of
their service or costs.

I didn't have much luck with BOB dealers in Europe, but
YMMV. BOB in Sheffield were helpful, agreed that they were
great, but they can't sell them (see above).

Don't forget import duty.

*Buggy Board: Make sure board is set so rider is leaning
forward slightly as tipping back trapped inside the handle
is v. dangerous. Make ride get off before removing baby
(baby's weight limits tipping). Don't let go of handle when
buggy board is used as it can tip in the blink of an eye.
(voice of experience).