broken presta valve?


New Member
Apr 15, 2007
Right.. I bought a brand new bike yesterday.. nothing super special.. just a £200 hybrid. This afternoon, I cam back to it and found that the back tyre was flat. After scanning for punctures and finding none, I moved onto the valve (which is a presta valve).. and it seems to be that the air is leaking from there.

Is this something that I can quickly fix myself? Or do i need to take it back to the shop?

It's not uncommon for presta tubes to tear at the base of the valve. This generally happens when the valve is wiggled vigorusly from side-to-side while inflating the tire. If the shop is responsible for inflating the tire, I'd say they are also responsible for replacing the inner tube.
Retro Grouch said:
It's not uncommon for presta tubes to tear at the base of the valve. This generally happens when the valve is wiggled vigorusly from side-to-side while inflating the tire. If the shop is responsible for inflating the tire, I'd say they are also responsible for replacing the inner tube.