Burning and pain after sex - possible causes



For years I have suffered from a painful burning sensation after my boyfriend ejaculates inside of
me. When we use a condom, I experience no pain. I've finally found out what my problem is, and I
want to share my findings in case anyone is suffering from the same symptoms.

First of all, if you are suffering from the same symptoms, talk to your doctor. It might be a
vaginal infection.

If you have any reaction to semen on your skin elsewhere on your body, in the form of burning
sensation or itching, see an allergist. You might be allergic to semen. Yes, this is a real allergy.
Check out http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/living/health/conditions_diseases/allergies/6140432.htm
You can be treated with desensitization (allergy shots). I thought that this was my problem for a
long time, until my allergist told me that without reactions elsewhere on the body, an allergy was
the unlikely cause for me.

So if neither of these are your problem, you might be reacting to the prostaglandins in the semen,
like me. Check out http://www.nurseminerva.co.uk/endocrin.html for a good definition of
prostaglandins. The prostaglandins provoke a reaction from the vaginal tissue.

If you think this could be your situation, take 2 Advil tablets (or Motrin tablets) at least one
hour before intercourse. You might think "There's no way Advil can stop that pain!" The idea is to
prevent it. Advil (ibruprofen) and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit the
prostaglandins. Note that Tylenol is not one of these special drugs.

There isn't anything you can do to change the make up of semen, according to the urologist I saw.
Semen is created by the prostate gland, which is independent of the digestive tract. There is no
need to try strange diets in an attempt to alter the contents of semen. You might have this
prostaglandin reaction with only one man, with some men or with all men with whom you have

Try Advil (or the NSAID of your choice)! It just might change your life.