Carbs and Protein


New Member
Aug 15, 2007

I'm currently monitoring my caloric and food intake. Currently my goal breakdown for the end of the day should be 1800-2000 Cal, 30% Fat, 20% Protein and 50% Carbs.

Meeting the calorie requirements is not an issue, nor is the fat/protein percentage. But I am having problems NOT going over in the Carb department. For an example, today (after already entering in what I will eat for dinner), I am at 24% Fat, 20% Protein and 56% Carbs, with only having consumed 1300 Cal. Any suggestions of what I can include that ISN'T a carb? I'm having a hard time finding foods that aren't high in Carbs, which brings me to my next question...

Is there a difference between good carbs and bad carbs? What I mean is, if I've eaten 60% Carbs, but 50% of that is fruit or veggies, is that a big deal as compared with if I had just eaten bread or wheat products all day?

Is it ok to over-eat in the Carb department if it is fruit and vegetables?

Thanks for your insight!
try to make sure that the majority of those carsbs are "complex" potatos, yams, oatmael etc.
Eat lots of salad to avoid the carbs...

I don't have any acronyms behind my name so I'm no expert, but "good" carbs are those that have a low glycemic value - meaning they don't cause a significant rise in your blood sugar level. Good carbs are also usually higher in fiber than "bad" carbs, which have a higher glycemic value and converted to fat or glycogen relatively quickly due to the body's release of insulin to get the blood sugar level in check...

With a little of your own research, you will find TONS of better information on the net...